Purchasing special considerations

  • Buy

    • Equipment, furniture.

    • Event/food supplies.

    • Office/lab supplies.

Your helpers

Getin touch with your finance contact: Kathleen Hale, Jean Lindahl, Lindsay McCandless, or Heather Stoffel.If you don't know which person is your contact, see Finance contacts. As a reminder, please don't sign things! Only CU Authorized Representatives can sign contracts/agreements.

See also


Looking to buy a computer or computer accessories? See our full page on computer purchasing and reach out to Chad for advice and the best deals.

Faculty Computer Purchase Program

CU Boulder tenure/tenure-track faculty are eligible for a subsidy of $1,200 every four years to upgrade their computers and incorporate technology into their teaching and learning. through the program.


Purchasing equipment with grant funds is subject to approval by the Office of Contracts and Grants as well as the sponsoring agency. Equipment can have long lead times, so reach out to your finance contact as soon as you know you want to purchase equipment. Contract approval can take several weeks to months depending on complexity.

For large dollar purchases, policy may dicate that we go through a bidding process. Learn more on the .

If your equipment is under $5,000 you may purchase it through the CU Marketplace or with a PCard.

If your equipment is between $5,000 and $9,999 a purchase order must be used. Please reach out to your finance contact.

If your equipment is over $10,000 a specialized purchase order must be used, please reach out to your finance contact and be aware that the following will be needed, dependent on situation:

  • Sole Source Justification Form
    • “Fair and reasonable statement” from vendor verifying that the rate they are charging us is fair and reasonable.
    • A quote from the vendor.


  • Source Selection & Price Reasonableness Form
    • “Fair and reasonable statement” from vendor verifying that the rate they are charging us is fair and reasonable.
    • Two vendor quotes, one from the preferred vendor and one from a competitor.

If your order can be completed through Marketplace punchout, .

Please allow at least two weeks for purchases under $10,000 (or four weeks if terms and conditions need to be negotiated). Please allow at least four weeks (or as much lead time as possible) for purchases over $10,000. Lead times can vary based on complexity.



According to CU's , "For tips on meal service related to Official Functions, the maximum allowable amount is 20% of the final bill (including ... additional service charges or fees, delivery charges, etc.)." Meals purchased in Colorado should be marked as tax-exempt.

Official functions

CU refers to food/drinks/supplies purchased as an "official function." Food/official functions are considered a . Please reach out to your finance contact before purchasing, as an official function form may need to be approved ahead of time.

Scenarios where official function form is needed:

1. Alcoholic beverages are purchased (in any dollar amount) for an official function or CU-hosted conference; or
2. For an official function where the total cost of food/beverage exceeds $500; or
3. For an official function where the per-person cost of food/beverage exceeds $115 (regardless of total cost).

Read more about CU's . Some highlights:

  • The official function form is not needed if purchase can be made using a PCard.
  • A list of attendees will be required for all official functions.
  • Generally, small dollar event and food supplies can be put on a PCard.

For larger dollar purchases or hotel room blocks, please reach out to your finance contact who will create a purchase order.

If a contract is needed in any amount, please forward to your finance contact. No one at INSTAAR is allowed to sign on behalf of CU in most cases, and we will need to work with an authorized signer at the PSC.


New furniture should be purchased through one of CU's five idenitified vendors. Used furniture can be purchased through property service.

  • Used furniture is available through CU property services. Use speedtype(s) to buy desks, bookcases, task chairs, etc. Property services also handles furniture for classrooms.
  • The University has approved five suppliers for furniture through the CU Marketplace portal, and they have to be used to buy furniture for offices, conference rooms, and lobbies. See how to do that on the .

Lab supplies

Small dollar lab supplies may be purchased through Marketplace or with a PCard.

If your supplies are under $5,000 you may purchase it through the CU Marketplace or with a PCard.

If your supplies are between $5,000 and $9,999 a purchase order must be used. Please reach out to your finance contact.

If your supplies are over $10,000 a specialized purchase order must be used, please reach out to your finance contact and be aware that the following will be needed, dependent on situation:

  • Sole Source Justification Form
    • “Fair and reasonable statement” from vendor verifying that the rate they are charging us is fair and reasonable.
    • A quote from the vendor.


  • Source Selection & Price Reasonableness Form
    • “Fair and reasonable statement” from vendor verifying that the rate they are charging us is fair and reasonable.
    • Two vendor quotes, one from the preferred vendor and one from a competitor.
    • If your order can be completed through Marketplace punchout, .

Please allow at least two weeks for purchases under $10,000 and four weeks (or as much lead time as possible) for purchases over $10,000.

Office supplies

Office supplies are generally not allowable on a grant. Office supplies purchased with general funds should primarily be purchased through CU's contract with Staples in Marketplace.

If you want to charge office supplies to a grant, be sure to justify exactly why the supplies are necessary for the specific award(s) funding the purchase and how you will ensure the supplies will only be used for work on that specific project. Supplies not outlined in the project budget may be subject to sponsor approval.


Looking to buy software? See our full page on software purchasing and reach out to Chad for advice and the best deals.

All software purchased at CU must go through ICT (Information and Communication Technology) review. Approval can take two weeks if the software will not be public-facing, longer if it is. Work with your finance contact/Chad to fill out the required forms.

Sole source procurement

Often a purchase of more than $10,000 requires competition. But if only one good or service will do, from only one available source, you can use Sole Source Procurement. Speak to your finance contact for more information.

Bottom line

If in doubt, please contact your finance team member! We are happy to help with all of your purchasing needs! Rules and regulations abound with these types of charges and we are glad to help navigate the weeds in order to get you the items you need while ensuring CU and award-specific policy compliance.

See also