IAFS 4930 Internships

The following is a list of internships that have been approved for the IAFS 4930 internship class. Please note that all internships for IAFS 4930 must have clear international content. Internships at the organizations below will only be accepted for the class if they are internationally-focused.Ìý

The African Community Center (ACC) accepts refugees who have fled persecution in their home countries and have received third country resettlement through the UNHCR and the U.S. State Department. Refugees come to Colorado from all regions of the world. ACC welcomes people from all over the globe.ÌýInterns play a key role in helping further their mission to help refugees rebuild safe, sustainable lives in Denver through supportive networks of people, services, and community activities.Ìý

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led leadership movement which strives for peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential. We are the main youth partner of the United Nations towards achieving the 2030 agenda by fulfilling the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through our exchanges. We offer international internships for individuals aged 18 - 30, each internship is specifically designed towards one of the 17 SDGs. AIESEC is a global, independent, non-political, not-for-profit youth-run organization. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, creed, or religion. Nor on the basis of ethnic, or social origin.

Working with the Boulder International Visitors Club will allow students to assist in organizing US State Department visitors who come to Boulder for professional exchange, learn about other countries’ economy, business, government, social structure and customs; meet high caliber, promising young professionals from around the world, and much more.Ìý (Please contactÌýZuzabohley@gmail.com)

The Boulder-Jalapa FCP is a nonprofit that works to create cultural understanding and learning between members of the Boulder community and the city of Jalapa, in Nicaragua. Interns will have the opportunity toÌýattend monthly board meetings,Ìýwork with local and international partners, assist withÌýevent planning (for Conference of World Affairs: April 10-14),Ìýresearch and assist in grant application to Sister Cities International/ State Department to secure funding for cultural and professional exchange, and there is aÌýpossibility of traveling with December delegation to Jalapa for a construction project (December 28-Jan 13).

Boulder's Sister Cities program is made up of volunteers who believe that through mutual respect and cooperation, people worlds apart can form relationships that foster peace and prosperity. The idea that it's possible to make big changes from small steps - one community at a time.ÌýÌýOpportunities for interns include: to learn about Boulder Sister Cities throughout central and south America, Asia, and Africa; attend quarterly meetings: Nov, Feb, May; attend sister city dinner (end of March); help plan and coordinate a BSCA collaborative event; and work with Rotary and US State Department to for student and professional exchanges.

The Climate Reality Project, a nonprofit organization founded by former Vice President Al Gore, is dedicated to leading a global cultural movement demanding immediate action on the climate crisis by using cutting-edge communications and grassroots strategies to educate the public about the urgency and solvability of the climate crisis. If you would like to inquire about an internship at the Boulder office, please emailÌýboulderinternships@climatereality.com, and they will let you know if there are any current positions available.

Comunidad Connect works in Nicaragua to connect opportunities for social, economic, and environmental development with local and global resources. Programs include rural health, clean water access, organized sports, and service learning. Interns can work from the US on administration and fund development (Spanish not required) and in Nicaragua on program implementation (fluency in Spanish required). In either case, interns will learn the inner workings of an international nonprofit and have access to senior management.Ìý

Originally founded in 1948 as a forum on international affairs, the CWA expanded rapidly in its early years to encompass the arts, media, science, diplomacy, technology, environment, spirituality, politics, business, medicine, human rights, and so on. Roger Ebert, who participated in the CWA for four decades, always referred to the CWA as "the Conference on Everything Conceivable."

The Consortium for Capacity Building (CCB)ÌýisÌýan educational, outreach, and networking organization at CU-Boulder. CCB focuses on enhancing the value and use of climate, water, and weather information for the betterment of societies. CCB has internships that provide students with opportunities to research environmental topics, including disasters and disaster readiness, drought, floods, and the effects of El Niño. For more information, contact CCB Director Dr. Mickey Glantz atÌýmickeyglantz@hotmail.comÌýor CCB Project Manager-Robert RossÌýrobertjayross@hotmail.com.

The Washington Center
The Washington CenterÌýis a program for students who want to put classroom learning into real world action. The program is a semester-long experience that combines a professional internship with CU coursework in Washington D.C. Internships in Washington D.C. offer students an opportunity to build bridges between knowledge gained in the academic environment of CU, and practical experience gained in the exciting, fast-paced world of the nation’s capital.

CU Public Interest Internship Experience (PIIE) Program
Are you interested in a paid internship next summer?ÌýConsider CU Public Interest Internship Experience (PIIE). PIIE offers $4,320 stipends to select undergraduate students who participate in summer internships at our partner nonprofit and government agencies in Colorado.ÌýCU PIIE is looking for students interested in creating change in their communities. ÌýFollow your passion and make a positive impact!

The Center for Western Civilization, Thought & Policy seeks Undergraduate Research Associates for the 2017-8 academic year. The research proposal should demonstrate the sort of tangible results that will be achieved by the end of the internship, and how those results can contribute to the broader community. Undergraduate Research Associates will be expected to attend and/or contribute to Center seminars on Freedom and Security and participate in the life of the Center through service and events.

Digital Slavery Research Lab
The Digital Slavery Research Lab (DSRL) focuses on developing, linking, layering, and archiving open-source data and multimedia related to the global phenomenon of slavery and human trafficking. Students learn to become interdisciplinary collaborators by using historical research on the African Diaspora and digital humanities methods. The lab features support for scientific research and development of educational materials, promotion of living cultures and diverse contributions from the African diaspora, and much more.Ìý

Elephant Energy is a Denver-based non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life in un-electrified communities around the globe by fostering access to appropriate sustainable energy technologies.Ìý Elephant Energy engages local businesses and entrepreneurs to supply affordable, clean, and practical energy technologies to their local communities.

Global Greengrants works to mobilize on-the-ground resources to fight environmental degradation, promote sustainability, and support social justice around the world. Awarding upwards of 700 grants per year, Greengrants supports grassroots environmental activists on some of the most pressing issues of our time in the effort to achieve a sustainable future.

Hope Shines, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enhance and improve the lives of orphans in Rwanda, Africa, is seeking an unpaid intern to assist in the ongoing development and implementation of its communications and outreach efforts. This position will require 10-20 hours per week. An internship with Hope Shines will provide significant experience in the day-to-day operations of an international non-profit organization.Ìý

iE internships are a way for you to dive deep into the issue of child trafficking and exploitation. Get college credit, launch your non-profit career, or just dedicate a focused season of your life to impacting the lives of vulnerable and victimized children. You will work alongside leaders of the issue, learn iE's methods, and have opportunities to travel on advocacy tours and field expeditions.

The Center is an autonomous non-profit institution begun in 1974.Ìý Its activities include annual international energy conferences; a publications program with the biannualÌýJournal of Energy andÌýDevelopment since 1975, an occasional paper series, and books; analysis, forecasting, and policy projects for such groups as the World Energy Council (London) and Toyota; and training and academic support through internships and fellowships.

The Invictus Initiative is seeking passionate, qualified interns, interested in internationalÌýdevelopment. They are a nonprofitÌýorganization focused on building unconquerableÌýrelationships that bring together the skills and resources needed to initiate sustainableÌýsolutions, improve communities, and transform lives. Solution categories includeÌýEngineering, Business, Education, Agriculture, Human Rights, and Medicine. InvictusÌýcurrently works in Brazil, Nicaragua, Kenya, India, and Nepal.

An internship at LFS offers the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of refugeeÌýresettlement in the Denver area. Interns will work with individuals from diverse cultures who are forging new beginnings in the United States. Challenging, educational andÌýprofessional work experience will be gained through professional training and real workÌýassignments that will provide valuable insight to the worlds of refugee resettlement andÌýnon-profit organizations.Ìý

Interns will be assigned specific projects. The nature of the projects will vary and be discussed inÌýmore detail during interviews. Typical projects include general market research on behalf ofÌýColorado exporters and projects that assist the ITO staff prepare for various trade events (tradeÌýshows, trade missions, etc.). As part of the program, interns will be invited to local trade-related events put on by ITO or their partner organizations. Please specify in your cover letter the term forÌýwhich you are applying.

Project C.U.R.E.Ìýis the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries around the world. Project C.U.R.E.'s Internship Program provides upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level college students the opportunity to learn about global healthcare and the non-profit sector while gaining hands-on experience at our International Headquarters Office in Centennial, Colorado.Ìý

Reading Village is a small Boulder-based nonprofit that transforms lives through literacy in Latin America, currently serving four indigenous communities in rural Guatemala.Ìý Employment opportunities will be posted here as they become available, but we’re always looking for interns.

This organizations offers 8-week summer internships to IAFS students,Ìýas part of their Global Internship Program. StudentsÌýintern 6 weeks in Denver and 2 weeks abroad (total of 8 weeks). As an intern, you will help create and manage programs that bring high school students to different countries.ÌýThe focus of programs is on community service, language immersion and adventure travel, and all programs involve living in basic conditions, working on service projects and visiting some of the host country's best destinations.ÌýTo apply, please visit theÌýÌýon their website, select "Ambassadorship" in the field for "What position are you applying for", and type "CU Summer Internship" in the "Who referred you" field.

Check out this page to see what internships are offered through Study Abroad!Ìý

The United Nations of Boulder County allows students to learn more about the workings of the US UNA and the UN. Duties include: social media postings of UN world news/ events and campaigns, updating website/ current events, creatingÌýCU campus awareness and outreach to campus groups as well asÌýlocal NGOS and agencies, assisting with event planning, and participatingÌýin advocacy meetings with elected officials. The program also offers opportunities to travel to NYC for Members Day (February) or Leadership Summit (June in Washington DC).

The United Nations Foundation is a DC-based internship that links the UN's work with others around the world. They emphasize mobilizing the energy and expertise of business and non-governmental organizations to help the UN tackle issues including climate change, global health, peace and security, women's empowerment, poverty eradication, energy access, and US-UN relations. Their internship guide can be found here.

Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism is a global women’s fund that protects, strengthens and sustains women’s human rights activists at critical moments. Due to our relatively small staff, dedicated interns are an important part of our team. Learn about current opportunities on the .

The Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) is a virtual internship program for undergraduate and graduate students to work on projects of global importance. There are over 330 projects with 15 U.S. Government agencies.ÌýVSFS is an academic year-long virtual internship beginning in August or September each year.ÌýProjects are in diplomacy, development, space, journalism, trade, environment, health, agriculture, technology, and more.

Western Export Services is a full service global exporter. TheyÌýmanage the sales, marketing,ÌýlogisticsÌýand financing for distribution of food and beverage brands to markets worldwide. TheirÌýinternship program is focused on the student’s educational goals, ensuring a great experience working on real projects. TheseÌýprojects mayÌýinclude marketÌýresearch, trendÌýanalysis, global values, product management, brand development and marketing. TheÌýintern program has positionsÌýavailable each semester, and over the summer. The company hasÌýbeen in operation for over 25 years, headquartered in downtown Denver, Colorado. Interested candidates should sendÌýtheir resume and cover letter toÌýericanh@wesdenver.com.

WorldDenver offers a professional and skill-enhancing internship experience, while maximizing the bandwidth of our small staff. Visit the for current opportunities.