Work Modalities & Schedules

The 鶹Ƶ (CU Boulder) considers hybrid and remote work modalities and alternate work arrangements to be viable, flexible work options when the job and the unit are suited to such an arrangement. Hybrid and remote work modalities and alternate work arrangements may be appropriate for some jobs and units but not for others. Alternate work arrangements may include but are not limited to flexible schedules, compressed work weeks, flexplace or remote work, and job sharing.

The decision to assign work modalities and implement alternate work arrangements is at the discretion of the classified staff appointing authority or university staff department head. Hybrid and remote work modalities and alternate work arrangements are not a benefit and they do not change the terms and conditions of employment with the University of Colorado (University).

The following Guiding Principles have been adopted by the campus and provide criteria against which unit decisions should be assessed.The optimal work environment should:

  • Advance the mission of the campus and affected units
  • Enhance and not detract from the student experience or research and creative work
  • Include planning for impact on diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Include planning for impact on sense of place, community and affinity
  • Increase/maintain hiring, engagement and retention
  • Support the health & wellness of our community
  • Support responsible stewardship of resources
  • Cultivate a work culture built on trust and productivity



A position that is required to perform at least some of the work duties outlined in the job description on campus on a schedule or with a set expectation.

  • The frequency of on-campus work (one to five days per week, per month, as needed, etc.) does not change the designation of hybrid.
    • Frequency and/or schedule is determined by the supervisor
  • The basis for required on campus work (ex. to support students in person, to complete tasks in the office such as mail, etc.) should be documented in the position description.
  • In person collaboration or any other duty that is most effectively performed on campus can be documented as the required component.


A position that is required to perform all work duties outlined in the job description on campus.


    A position that is not required to perform the work duties outlined in the job description on campus.

    • On occasion, these positions may be asked to come to campus for a required in-person event or meeting.
    • If the employee occupying a remote position chooses to come to campus and utilize hotel space, it does not change the designation of the position as remote.
    • Employees in remote positions seeking to live outside of the United States must obtain department approval.

    CU Boulder is a public university that is open to all people to visit or conduct business.

    • Public-facing includes offices or units that work directly with people (inclusive of but not limited to students, employees, families, guests, donors, etc.) either on an appointment or walk-in basis.
    • In order to support our residential academic and research missions, the majority of the university and its functions are public facing.
    • Public-facing offices need to be open and provide services in person at minimum during standard business hours of the university (8 a.m.-5 p.m. during the academic year; 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the summer).
    • If an office or unit has a reception area, that area must have someone present unless there is another method by which a visitor can announce their presence (bell/buzzer).
    • Individual departments may have administrative time the first hour of the day and not have open doors, but phones, chats and emails should be available for support.

    Summer 2022 flexibility:

    • To meet the requirement of in-person operations, student- and public facing offices may collaborate with one another and use shared space to ensure constituentswho walk up to request services are welcomed and can have their concerns/questions addressed.
    • For fall 2022 and beyond: If a university officer decides to consolidate space on a permanent basis, they must notify the Office of Space Optimization to inform them of the consolidation.
    • Units with employees in similar roles may authorize different work modalities from one another so long as the service expectations defined above are met.

    Standards of Practice

    • Academic Instruction
      • Instruction is primarily in-person.
      • The academic calendar is finalized to allow for planning and consistency.
      • Academic Affairs will disseminate a new edition of academic instruction guidance that addresses work modality standards for faculty and GPTI/TAs in regard to curricular planning and teaching assignments.
    • Research, scholarship and creative work
      • Subject to any operational needs of the unit, individual faculty may continue to conduct research, scholarship and creative work in the modality they see fit, as long as attendant student and trainee mentorship objectives can be met.
    • Office hours, out-of-classroom teaching and faculty service
      • Individual faculty and GPTIs may conduct office hours in the modality they see fit. TAs should consult with the instructor of record on the modality of their office hours.
      • Individual faculty may conduct out-of-classroom teaching in the modality they see fit, following best pedagogical practices.
      • Based on operational needs, the pertinent level of administration (whether departments/programs, colleges/schools or Academic Affairs) determines the modality of faculty service activities such as committee work.
    • Faculty working fully remote
      • A faculty member who is working fully remote (including research and creative work, teaching, and service) must have written approval from their chair/director and their dean. Approvals are to be archived in the dean’s office and a copy maintained in the department/program (if applicable). A copy of the approval will also be sent to the Office of Faculty Affairs to be included in the faculty member’s personnel file.

    Established May 2022

    • Student- and public-facing offices must have continuous in-person presence during CU Boulder operating hours.
      • Units providing support services to public-facing offices, such as Facilities Management, must have an in-person presence to meet the needs during CU Boulder operating hours.
    • Non-public facing offices may work in hybrid or remote formats as long as business needs are met during the hours of operation.
    • Fully remote positions need to be reviewed and approved by the university officer who is the division or department head. Additional review and support can be elevated to the chief operating officer and/or provost as needed.

    Established May 2022

    Completing the Work Agreement Form

    It is helpful to review the following:

    • Definitions
      • Hybrid, on-campus, remote
      • Public facing offices/departments (May 2022)
    • Standards of Practice (established May 2022)

    The following information is required to complete the form:

    • Employee and supervisor names
    • Employee Identification Number
    • Date of the agreement
    • Type of work the employee conducts (examples: human resources, IT support, communications, instruction, research)
    • Employee's department
    • Employee's specific work unit
    • A work arrangement schedule (times for each day of the week at the university and/or at the employee's remote work location)
    • Employee campus work location (if applicable)
    • Remote work location
    • Required communications channels (zoom, teams, email, etc)
    • Required document storage and management sites (sharepoint, google drive, shared drive, etc.)
    • Equipment provided by the department for the work modality
    • Answers the following:
      • What considerations and changes are needed for the employee to continue to meet objectives given this work modality agreement?
      • How will the supervisor monitor or assess productivity?
      • Are there any other unique considerations or requirements of this work arrangement?
    • Signatures of: Employee, Supervisor, Department Head (Director, Chair).
      • Remote agreements also require the signature of the unit officer (Institute director, Dean, Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor)
    1. Select the appropriate work agreement (hybrid or remote)
    2. Enter the employee, supervisor, department head, and department officer (if remote) name and email
    3. Complete the full form
    4. Submit for routing

    Copies of the Work Agreement Form are sent to the employee, the employee's supervisor, the unit human resources professional (if one has been designated), and central campus human resources.

    Work agreements should be reviewed/completed annually before the start of Fall semester.

    The appropriateness of a hybrid or remote work agreement should be reviewed by the supervisor and employee at least once a year or when a change in supervisor or change to the position’s work modality is being considered.

    After signing an agreement, the supervisor may deem that a change in work modality or substantial change to the terms of the work agreement is appropriate and in the best interest of the organization.If a supervisor determines that a change needs to be made to the modality or terms of the agreement after it is signed, the supervisor should provide the faculty/staff member with adequate (at least 30 days is recommended) written notice before the changes are to become effective.

    The supervisor’s determination as to what work modality and terms and conditions of a hybrid or remote work modality agreement are appropriate for a particular position takes precedence over the faculty/staff member’s determination.

    In cases where the faculty/staff member and supervisor are unable to reach an agreement with regard to the work modality or terms and conditions of the agreement, the issue may be escalated to the supervisor’s manager for resolution. Once resolved, the supervisor and faculty/staff member are expected to sign the agreement pursuant to the terms determined by the supervisor’s manager.

    After signing an agreement, the faculty/staff member may request a change to the terms of the agreement by submitting a request to the supervisor in writing. The supervisor must respond to the employee’s request within two weeks. If the request is denied, the existing agreement will remain in place.

    Staff and faculty working in hybrid or remote modalities should:

    Comply with all federal, state and university laws, rules, policies, and instructions, regardless of work location.

    Maintain up-to-date personal contact information, including phone and mailing address, as well as emergency contact information, in the CU employee portal.

    Maintain a workspace in all off-campus work location(s) that is free from unnecessary distractions and allows for frequent, clear, and uninterrupted communications with others. This includes:

    • maintaining consistent internet connectivity. (see )
    • making the necessary dependent care (including childcare and/or elder care) arrangements in order to successfully fulfill job duties.

    Be available to communicate and respond within a reasonable amount of time to emails, chats, requests to video conference or for phone calls from a supervisor, supervisory upline, colleagues, students and customers during the working hours stated above, regardless of whether the faculty/staff member is working on or off campus and except when the faculty/staff member is on an approved leave.

    Ensure the delivery of teaching and scholarly/creative work, the provision of service to students, faculty, staff or other CU Boulder affiliates, or the progress of individual or team assignment not be adversely affected by the faculty/staff member working in a hybrid or remote modality.

    Maintain a safe working environment, free from hazards, in all off-campus work location(s).

    Report all job-related accidents that occur in the faculty/staff member’s off-campus work location(s), in writing, to their supervisor within 24 hours.

    Be responsible for all CU Boulder provided equipment they are provisioned with in order to carry out their work duties in their off-campus work location.

    Report any theft or loss of CU Boulder provisioned equipment, in writing, to their supervisor within 24 hours of the theft or loss.

    Return all equipment to their department designee upon separation from CU Boulder. The employee will be held liable for any equipment that is not returned.

    Employees must abide by the University of Colorado’s information security requirements with regards to the protection of sensitive university information from unauthorized or accidental access, use, modification, destruction, damage or disclosure. This includes using only university-provided computers or mobile computing devices when accessing or handling sensitive university information while working from an off-campus location. For more guidance on secure off-campus work, please visit:.

    Employees must be aware that university records stored on any personal device can be considered public records. If a record relates to the performance of public functions or involves the receipt or expenditure of public funds, then it is a public record regardless of how it was created or where it is stored. So, to the extent that performing university work on a personal device creates such a record, then it would be public and accessible through a CORA request. Purely personal records (e.g., emails or other documents that have nothing to do with the employee’s public functions) would not be a public record under any circumstance, and it does not matter where they are stored or created.

    In case of injury, theft, loss, or other liability, the employee allows agents of the University to investigate and/or inspect their off-campus work location upon reasonable notice of inspection and/or investigation.

    Regarding hybrid work arrangements:

    CU Boulder will not provide a stipend, reimbursement or in any other way cover any of the following costs the employee may incur with regards to their hybrid work arrangement:

    • Any furniture to be used in the employee’s off-campus work location.
    • Transportation or travel to campus from the employee’s off-campus work location(s). This includes reimbursement for mileage and/or parking.
    • Utilities at the employee’s off-campus work location(s). This includes internet access, gas, electric, and water.
    • Insurance at the employee’s off-campus work location(s). This includes homeowner or renter’s insurance or umbrella policies.
    • Personal mobile phone and/or hotspot, including call/data plan.

    Regarding remote work arrangements:

    CU Boulder will not provide a stipend, reimbursement or in any other way cover any of the following costs the employee may incur with regards to their remote work arrangement:

    • Any furniture used in the employee’s off-campus work location.
    • Utilities at the employee’s off-campus work location(s). This includes internet access, gas, electric and water.
    • Insurance at the employee’s off-campus work location(s). This includes homeowners or renter’s insurance or umbrella policies.
    • Personal mobile phone and/or hotspot, including call/data plan.

    Work Agreement Form

    Work Agreement Form


    Staff working in a hybrid work modality and faculty and staff working in a remote work modality are required to have an approved work agreement. Agreements to work in a hybrid modality must be agreed to and signed by the staff member and their supervisor. Agreements to work in a remote modality must be agreed to and signed by the faculty or staff member, their supervisor, and their officer-level leadership position (e.g. dean or vice chancellor-level department head). The DocuSign agreement should be completed by the supervisor and then routed to the faculty/staff member and relevant officer for signature.

    New Hires

    For new hires (designated as hybrid or remote), supervisors should initiate the form on or before their effective date.

    Staffing and Modality Processes (Revised May 2022)

    Divisions and departments must report the number of employees working in each of the modalities. Human Resources will provide tools to assess the appropriate work modality for positions.
    Human Resources will follow up with unit senior HR partners with more information about completing this exercise.

    Staff who are designated as hybrid and faculty and staff who are remote must have a working agreement that is reviewed and approved annually or semi-annually and kept on file by the departments. The Work Agreement Form isavailable on the HR website.

    • Employees who borrowed university furniture to work from home should now return that furniture to their department offices.
    • Employees who wish to purchase the furniture should submit a disposal request using Property Services surplus management system AssetWorks.
      • Instructions on how to submit a disposal request can be found at . Scroll down to select Property Surplus and Disposal.
      • If you need help signing in to AssetWorks please contact Dara Schenk at 303-492-6242.
    • Furniture should be returned no later than December 31, 2022.


    The provides four steps to the decision making process:

    1. Evaluate
    2. Test Your Thinking
    3. Utilize Tools
    4. Review, Assess, Gather Data

    Considerations for Departments

    It is the responsibility of the department to determine the suitability and frequency of remote work modalities and alternate work schedules. In reviewing the appropriateness of remote work or alternate schedules, departments should consider the following:

    • Nature of work performed by the employee
    • Size of the work unit
    • Ability to ensure coverage for functions typically handled by the employee without placing undue burden on other employees in the unit
    • Establishing schedules based on customer service needs and peak workloads
    • Attendance at mandatory departmental and unit meetings
    • Consistency (to the extent possible) in determining which staff can participate in remote work modality
    • Impact on employees whose positions are not appropriate for remote work modalities
    • Manager’s ability to evaluate performance based upon results or outcomes
    • Whether the employee is a supervisor or in a management position, in which case they may need to be available to their staff in person

    An alternate work schedule refers to any one of a variety of work arrangements different from traditional modalities. For example, different from Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., on-site work.

    Some hypothetical examples of alternate work schedules for campus employees might include:

    • Working the same set hours each day, but with their schedule varying from standard office hours. For example, an employee works 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in an office that is usually open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    • Working different hours each day but with some “core”business hours established by the supervisor, during which time the employee must be working. For example, where core business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., an employee may work 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on one day and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on another day.
    • Working a compressed work week, that is,longer days in lieu of the typical 8 hours per day in order to work fewer total days. Three examples of a compressed workweek are:
      • 4/10 schedule - A full-time employee works ten hours per day for four days which results in completion of the 40 hour workweek.
      • 4 ½ day schedule - A full-time employee works four nine hour days and one four hour day within the standard workweek.
      • 9/80 schedule – A full-time employee works four nine hour days and one eight hour day in one week, and during the following week, works four nine hour days with one day off. For Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) purposes, the 9/80 schedule requires an adjustment of the defined workweek.

    Remote employees are subject to the same federal, State of Colorado, state of remote location, and Regent laws, policies and procedures applicable to employees at the regular university worksite. The additional policies below shall also be followed.

    Inclement Weather

    When emergency dismissal and closure procedures are in effect at the employee’s traditional worksite all employees, even those working remotely, will be granted administrative leave for the duration of the emergency closure. For purposes of time tracking, employees should follow the guidance below:

    • If you are a regular employee already on approved sick, vacation or other types of leave when there is a closure, administrative leave cannot be substituted for the approved leave.
    • If you are an essential services employee who is required to work during a closure, administrative leave cannot be granted to be used on a later date.
    • If you are eligible for overtime, you must enter administrative leave for the inclement weather closure on your timesheet in My Leave.
    • If you are not eligible for overtime, do not enter administrative leave for the inclement weather closure.
    • You are not eligible for paid administrative leave if you are a temporary employee, retiree working in a temporary position or student employee.

    Time Worked

    Remote work employees who are not exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be required to accurately record all hours worked using CU’s time-keeping system. Hours worked in excess of those scheduled per day and per workweek require the advance approval of the remote worker’s supervisor. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the immediate termination of the remote work agreement.

    ADA compliance

    All employees including remote work employees are eligible for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The employee must complete the ADA interactive process with CU Boulder ADA office and have an approved accommodation in place. Please reach out to for any requests under the ADA.

    Classified Staff Residency

    The Colorado Constitution, Article XII, Section 13 requires that applicants for state classified government jobs be residents of Colorado, unless the work to be performed is primarily within 30 miles of the State of Colorado’s border, or waived by the State Personnel Director or the State Personnel Board.

    If the residency requirement has been waived for an announced vacancy, it will be noted on the job announcement and applications will be considered from individuals who are not residents of Colorado. Non-classified positions not governed by State Personnel Rules may consider applications from individuals who are not residents of Colorado.

    International Tax

    All international employees and stipend recipients are required to meet with an International Tax Specialist to ensure accurate taxation of their pay and to review for potential tax treaty benefits that might be available to them. Appointments should be scheduled as near the hire date as possible, and within the calendar year of hire, to avoid retroactive corrections to withholding and year-end tax reporting documents. More information for international employees can be found on the Employee Services International Employees webpages.

    Form I-9

    For employees in hybrid or on-campus work modalities, the I9 should be completed on the CU Boulder campus. The Form I-9 is to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. Section 1 is completed on or before the first day of employment. Section 2 must be completed within 3 working days to be in compliance.

    In HCM, the primary address must be a non-Colorado address for these to apply.

    Form I-9

    Employees who are working out of the area or out of state will need to email the I-9 office at to receive remote instructions and assistance. Employees will be able to designate an authorized representative in their remote location who is willing to assist CU Boulder with the verification and recording of documents and to sign Section 2 of the Form I-9 as an Authorized Representative for the university.

    Taxes and other legal implications

    The employee must determine any tax or legal implications under IRS, state and local government laws, and/or restrictions of working out of a home-based office. Responsibility for fulfilling all obligations in this area rests solely with the employee. Additionally, employees should update their mailing address in the CU Portal to ensure appropriate taxation.


    Some benefit plans are not available outside of Colorado or have limited coverage outside of Colorado. Please visit to review benefit plans and contact for any questions.

    International Tax

    All international employees and stipend recipients are required to meet with an International Tax Specialist to ensure accurate taxation of their pay and to review for potential tax treaty benefits that might be available to them. Appointments should be scheduled as near the hire date as possible, and within the calendar year of hire, to avoid retroactive corrections to withholding and year-end tax reporting documents. More information for international employees can be found on the Employee Services International Employees webpages.

    Risk Management/ Workers Compensation

    Risk Management looks at every claim on a case by case basis. Employees who work remotely in Colorado are treated the same as employees who work remotely in another state. The state in which they are working isn’t necessarily a deciding factor in coverage but circumstances around the injury, the position they have with the university, and the alleged causes of said injury are the biggest determining factors.

    In HCM, the primary address must be a non-US address for these to apply.

    Prerequisites for Hiring an Employee Working Internationally

    It is the hiring department's responsibility to notify Employee Services, Export Controls and the Boulder Information Security Officer, to ensure remote work outside of the United States is in compliance with all applicable laws and policies.

    Form I-9

    International employees who are working outside of the U.S. will not be required to complete the I-9 form unless and until they arrive in the U.S. and begin working on U.S. soil. International employees should notify the I-9 office, of remote work status outside of the U.S.


    Please visit to review benefit plans that are available internationally and contact for any questions.

    Risk Management/ Workers Compensation

    An international workers’ compensation claim is investigated similarly as to how a domestic claim is handled, however, CU is not self-insured for international workers’ compensation claims and those claims are handled by an external commercial insurer. University Risk Management is active with the commercial insurer and assists with the coordination of communication and benefits.

    Export Controls

    The Office of Export Controls should be notified and will conduct reviews of remote work activities that are performed outside of the U.S. to determine if an export controls license is required to perform the work.

    Working with foreign national collaborators, institutions, or students may fall under the purview of various federal export control laws. In general, these regulations involve military technology (including nearly all space-based research), “dual-use” technologies (including a wide range of equipment from distillers to lasers), as well as nearly any kind of financial transactions with certain embargoed countries or individuals.

    These impacts are not limited to the physical export of equipment or software; “deemed exports” include dissemination of technical information to foreign persons, whether it occurs within or outside the US. This may occur in the context of presentations, emails, personal conversations, site tours, or in training of foreign national research personnel. Penalties for violations can be severe and accrue to individual investigators as well as the University, so it is important for investigators and administrators to be aware of their responsibilities.

    For export controls, the host department and supervisor are asked to contact as soon as possible to work through any issues before international employment can occur.

    Cyber Security

    This guidance is primarily targeted at student employees/employees of CU, who are unlikely to have access to a CU-issued device and may encounter CU data in the course of their work. The scope of this is for Public or Confidential data handling or processing on a personal computer. We recommend that a CU-issued device is used, if available, though we understand this is not always possible.

    Access applications or documents to work “in the cloud” and avoid downloading sensitive information to your personally-owned device, when possible. Some great campus services make this easy: Sharepoint, OneDrive, Google Docs, etc. More information can be found at:

    . The guidance provided in this document includes a combination of free CU-supported services and recommendations for free software that is not affiliated with or officially supported by CU.

    In the event that the following list of Highly Confidential data is accessed, stored, processed, or transmitted as part of regular day-to-day operations, this document is not applicable. Please contact the Office of Information Security at for further guidance.

    Common Highly Confidential Data Types:

    ITAR/EAR Proposals, ITAR/EAR Research Plans and Results, Grievances/Disciplinary Actions, Disability, Race, Ethnicity, Citizenship, Legal Presence, Visas, Religion, SSN, NID, Financial Aid (except work study), Loan and Bank Account Numbers, Health Information, Sexual Orientation, Taxpayer ID, National Origin, Any Business Document Containing Highly Confidential Data

    Additionally, the following fields are considered Highly Confidential if they relate to any or all CU employees: Age, Sex, Marital Status, Disability, Military Status, Veteran Status, Dependent Information

    More information about data classification can be found at:

    Application Access Limitations

    Some countries have strict censorship restrictions and may restrict access to some of applications commonly used at CU (e.g. Google). These limitations could also restrict an employees ability to access areas of the MyCUInfo Portal through two-factor authentication.


    To get individuals paid that are working outside of the US and/or do not have a US bank:

    Email Diane Wiederspahn ( and Melissa Kent ( and include:

    • Employee Name
    • EID
    • Foreign Address
    • Speedtype to charge for postage*
    • A paper check will be mailed. It is the department's responsibility to pay international postage.

    Taxes and other legal implications

    The employee must determine any tax or legal implications under IRS, state and local government laws, and/or restrictions of working out of a home-based office. Responsibility for fulfilling all obligations in this area rests solely with the employee. Additionally, employees should update their mailing address in the CUPortal to ensure appropriate taxation.

    Employees in on-campus positions will be provided with the tools, furniture andequipment necessary to complete all functions of their position on campus. All university-owned tools, furnitureand equipment provided to an on-campus employee must remain on university property unless specifically authorized by the employee’s supervisor.

    Employees in remote positions will be provided with the technological equipment necessary to perform the functions of their position from any location, which couldincludea computer, laptop, and/or a portable electronic device. Departments and units have discretion and authority to determine whether any of the following equipment is necessary for a remote employee based on departmental budget and business needs: monitor(s), keyboard, mouse, headset, desktop telephone, or camera.

    Employees in hybrid positions will be provided with the technological equipment necessary to perform the functions of their position from any location, which couldinclude acomputer, laptop, or a portable electronic device. Departments and units have discretion and authority to determine if any of the following equipment is necessary for a hybrid employee to perform essential functions of their position: monitor(s), keyboard, mouse, headset, desktop telephone, or camera. When working on campus, hybrid employees will also have access to a workspace including a work surface and chair, as needed.

    CU Boulder will not provide any of the following items for remote work by remote or hybrid employees:

    • Internet service or set up
    • Routers
    • Utilities
    • Landline Telephone Service
    • Remodeling costs related to remote office space
    • Lighting for remote office space
    • Monitor arms or keyboard trays
    • Furniture (e.g. desks, chairs, footrests, plastic carpet protectors, ETC.)
    • Storage for consumable office supplies(e.g. filing cabinets, bookshelves etc.)

    The standard set of equipment designated for all positions is subject to change based on availability and budget. Department and/or manager approval should be obtained before any purchase is made or expense incurred.

    Technological equipment provisioned for remote use is to be used for CU Boulder business purposes and is subject to the same standards as equipment provisioned for use on-site. Equipmentsupplied by CU Boulder will be maintained by CU Boulder.

    CU Boulder accepts no responsibility for employee-owned tools, furniture, equipment, or supplies that are damaged while being used to conduct CU Boulder-related business.

    Employees working remotely or in a hybrid scenario should arrange technological equipment pick-up/drop-off with their department. Departments may, at their discretion and following , cover the cost of shipping technological equipment necessary to perform all functions of the position to and from employees who are working remotely and live more than 100 miles from the CU Boulder campus.IT hardware must be shipped to a campus location; the PSC is unable to ship products directly to an off-campus address.

    Each department is responsible for keeping an accurate inventory of university tools, equipment, and supplies that areprovided to individual employees. Upon termination of employment, all university tools, equipment, and supplies in an employee’s possession must be returned to CU Boulder within 10 business days, unless other arrangements have been made.


    Departments may supply the employee with appropriate consumable office supplies (pens, paper, etc.) to be used when working remotely and these may be shipped from a campus location. Manager approval should be obtained before any purchase of supplies is made or expense for supplies is incurred.

    To enable the most effective communication when working remotely, please refer to the following OIT guidance:

    Employees working in remote and hybrid work modalities are responsible for ensuring they have access to a reliable internet connection during working hours.

    Workers’ Compensation

    The University of Colorado provides workers’ compensation coverage, as required by State regulation, for employees who are injured during the course and scope of employment.

    • Injury to employee while at home
      • Injuries sustained by the employee in a home office location and in conjunction with their regular work duties may be covered by the company’s workers’ compensation policy. The employee must report work-related injuries immediately to the supervisor and will comply with all University reporting requirements established for the purpose of reporting such claims.
      • The University is not responsible for injuries unrelated to such work activities that might occur in the defined off-site work location or elsewhere.
    • Injury while commuting to work or meeting
      • Each potential work-related claim is investigated according to State of Colorado statutes and rules to determine compensability. Travel to and from work is generally not compensable; however, each situation needs to be investigated. If you believe you suffered a work-related injury, please contact University Risk Management to discuss and/or file a claim.
    • Reporting Workers’ Compensation Claims
      • Timely completion and submission of a claim form is important. State of Colorado statutes require written notice of a work-related injury or illness be given to the employer within 4 working days of the incident. Incident procedures and Employee’s Injury Report Form can be found on the University Risk Management Workers’ Compensation
    • Out of State
      • Risk Management will always have to look at every claim on a case by case basis. Employees who work remotely in Colorado are treated the same as employees who work remotely in another state. The state in which they are working isn’t a deciding factor in coverage but circumstances around the injury, the position they have with the university, and the alleged causes of said injury are the biggest determining factor.

    Property Insurance

    University insurance will not cover any personal property that is used at home and will only cover university owned or leased equipment.


    The employee remains liable for injuries to third parties, including family members and visitors at the remote working location. CU Boulder is not liable for damages to the employee's personal or real property except to the extent of liability under State of Colorado statutes in the regular/traditional office.

    Homeowners/Renter’s Liability

    It is recommended that the employee notify their personal homeowners/renter’s liability insurance company regarding their use of home space as a remote working location. The employee is responsible for any damage and/or theft of university property that has been provided to them for remote working.

    If the department is providing reimbursement or payment towards such travel, all university procurement policies and procedures must be followed. Visit the for more details.

    On-campus: Employees are not eligible to be reimbursed for parking on-campus or for mileage between the Boulder campus and their home. Employees may be reimbursed for parking and mileage for work-related travel to other destinations, such as other campuses if the distance is longer than their commute to the Boulder campus.

    Hybrid: Employees are not eligible to be reimbursed for parking on-campus or for mileage between the Boulder campus and their home. Employees may be reimbursed for parking and mileage for work-related travel to other destinations, such as other campuses if the distance is longer than their commute to the Boulder campus.

    This applies regardless of the frequency of the hybrid schedule.

    The employee assumes the cost of travel to satisfy the hybrid schedule, including required department events or meetings.

    Remote: Employees are eligible to be reimbursed for travel expenses including air or ground travel to the Boulder campus, lodging (if needed), on-campus parking and/or mileage and tolls to attend a required event or meeting on the Boulder campus. These events and meetings should be infrequent (i.e. no more than 1-2 times/year).


    Additional FAQ’s: /pts/fall-2021-parking-faq


    Both CU Boulder and each employee have responsibilities in making the remote work arrangement successful. The list below may also be supplemented by additional responsibilities at the department level.

    • Employee Performance
      • Employee’s working remotely should have the ability to work independently, manage time, adhere to deadlines, and effectively communicate with all. Additionally, the employee and manager should discuss how the employee intends to meet goals and metrics, stay productive and ensure excellent customer service. It is the employee’s responsibility to communicate regularly with customers, their team, and manager.
    • Work Schedule
      • Employees should establish and maintain set work hours with their supervisors and be available during those times. Employees should establish well-defined breaks throughout the workday.
    • Updating Personal Information
      • Employees must update their mailing address in the CU portal if any changes occur. Additionally, employees should be aware of impacts to benefit’s coverage by visiting the managed by the CU Benefit’s team.
    • Dependent Care
      • Employees are responsible for securing child care/ elder care, as needed, that allows them to successfully fulfill their job duties. Employees should make necessary arrangements so the core components of their position are completed and they are fulfilling the expectations of their job.
    • Other Activities
      • Remote work is not intended to permit staff to have time to work at other jobs or run their own businesses. Engagement in any such activities during expected work time may result in immediate termination of the remote work agreement and/or possible corrective action (including potential termination of employment).

    Supervisors and Managers have several key responsibilities when considering remote work situations for their employees.

    • Determining Eligibility
      • Departments and management should take into consideration, among other factors, the nature of the job/work, operational costs and needs, whether the department can maintain the quality of their services to members of CU Boulder community and public, performance and productivity of the employee, attendance and the ability of the employee to work independently.
      • Departments and management should take into consideration applicable factors listed above, but also costs associated with travel that would not have been necessary had the employee continued working at their regular work location, performance and productivity of the employee, the challenges associated with replacing the employee locally, and the ability of the employee to work independently.
    • Approval Process
      • Employees who are designated as hybrid or remote must have a working agreement that is reviewed and approved annually or semi-annually and kept on file by the departments.Fully remote positions need to be reviewed and approved by the university officer who is the division or department head. Additional review and support can be elevated to the chief operating officer and/or provost as needed.
    • Record Keeping
      • All Departments must keep current records of the agreement, and any other documentation as required per the University’s Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE)
    • Communication
      • Managers should address expectations regarding communication between employees and themselves, employees and co-workers, employees and customers/clients, and employees and others (e.g., via telephone, email or a combination).
    • Performance
      • Managers are expected to manage the performance of the employee to ensure success for both the employee and department. Performance goals should be set yearly and be measurable. Managers should review this regularly to provide support in the employee’s professional development.
      • The employee and manager should discuss how the employee intends to meet goals and metrics, stay productive and ensure excellent customer service. Managers are responsible for supporting/ managing employee performance which includes regular conversations, goal setting, and professional development opportunities.
    • Attendance
      • Managers are expected to manage an employee’s attendance and leave requests. Managers are responsible for accurate time tracking and leave usage for all employees. Managers should also encourage breaks and established schedules as needed.

    Resources Library

    The Office of Information Technology(OIT) has worked with departments on campus to learn what issues they've faced while working remotely, and put together a guide so that you can find solutions that work for you and your colleagues. For assistance, contactthe IT Service Center by calling (303) 735-4357 or

    Remote work employees continue to be bound by University of Colorado’s information security policies while working at an alternative worksite. Consistent with the organization’s expectations of information security for employees working at the office, remote work employees will be expected to ensure the protection of proprietary company and customer information accessible from their home office. Steps include the use of locked file cabinets and desks, regular password maintenance, and any other measures appropriate for the job and the environment.

    The employee agrees to abide by the University of Colorado’s information security requirements with regards to the protection of sensitive University information from unauthorized or accidental access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. Only University-provided computers, including mobile computing devices, should be used to access or handle sensitive University information. If you must use a personal computer, it is recommended that you use remote desktop to connect to your university-provided computer. The employee must have, and maintain, VPN connectivity during work hours.

    Visit the Office of Information Securityto learn more:

    • including when working remotely

    If isolation, stress or anxiety begin to take a toll, CU Boulder offers the following resources to help.

    Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)

    • Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) has provided resources that you may find helpful for managing stress and anxiety and provides up to 6 counseling sessions free of charge. Connect with FSAP via phone 303-492-3020 or fill out a webform to have someone reach out to you: /hr/content/would-you-contact-fsap

    The Real Help Hotline

    • The Real Help Hotline provides all CU employees with access to professional mental health counselors, who help find wellness and behavioral resources or immediate counseling over the phone. This hotline is free, confidential and available 24/7 by calling 833-533-CHAT (2428).

    LiveHealth Online

    • CU Health Plan – Anthem members have access to telehealth for medical, psychological, and psychiatric related concerns. Anthem plan members can use. They can visit secure portal to use and connect with a board-certified doctor via live chat or video. This includes visits with a mental health professional, 24/7 through live video.

    Mental Health Resource Hub

    • Taking care of your mental health is more important than ever. The following resources can help manage these feelings. The Mental Health Resource Hub is a free online digital resource site, powered by and supported by Anthem, and can help you navigate social isolation, and other COVID-19 challenges.


    • CU Health Plan – Kaiser members have access to the myStrength app and other digital emotional wellness tools at Kaiser Permanente. myStrength is a personalized program that includes interactive activities, in-the-moment coping tools, inspirational resources and community support. myStrength helps with depression, anxiety, sleep, stress, substance use and chronic pain. You can track preferences and goals, current emotional states and ongoing life events to improve your awareness and change behaviors.

    Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

    • The CDPHE offers for reducing fear and taking care of yourself.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    • CDC on managing stress and anxiety.

    Physical Health

    • Don’t neglect your physical health! Physical health can improve attention span, relieve stress and stimulate your mind. Take a short walk to break up the workday.

    Etiquette for hosting a virtual meeting

    To support a remote work culture, employees should be aware of best practices for hosting meetings virtually. Below you will find tips on etiquette for setting up and hosting a meeting.

    • Always set a virtual option: When scheduling any meeting, set up a video conference line so that coworkers always have the option to participate remotely.
    • Provide an agenda: Provide an agenda to participants so that they can adequately prepare for the meeting.
    • Sharing documents: When sharing documents during the meeting, plan ahead and send files to any coworkers who will be participating remotely, or setup a virtual collaboration resource, using CU approved technology; such as MS Teams, Zoom, etc.
    • Clarify attendees: Encourage meeting participants to state their name if they are only attending via phone when they speak.
    • Set meeting norms: Set expectations at the beginning of the meeting if you need participants to mute their lines or be engaged in a certain way.
    • Monitor participation: Encourage participation from remote participants and in person attendees alike. Be inclusive of those virtually attending, ensuring to ask for their participation.
    • Timing: Consider setting meeting duration for 25 or 55 minutes, to allow for a brief five-minute break between meetings.

    Etiquette for virtual meeting participation

    Participating in conference calls is a regular part of remote work responsibilities. Below you will find tips on etiquette for participating in a meeting virtually.

    • Quiet space: When participating in meetings, find a quiet space and join the meeting from somewhere free of loud background noise.
    • Mute your line: When not speaking, remember to mute your phone to minimize background noise.
    • Speak clearly: If some team members are physically in the room, make sure they speak close to the phone or computer speaker so people on the conference line can hear clearly.
    • Actively listen: Be an active listener on conference calls by verbally acknowledging that you are listening, by using short statements to paraphrase the main takeaways, and asking for permission to ask questions.
    • Give and receive feedback: When giving feedback to your colleagues, ensure it is specific, constructive and empathetic. Use your feedback to discuss outcomes and actions.
    • Be engaged: Give the remote meeting your full attention. Avoid multitasking or reading emails.
    • Participate: If you have something to contribute or missed something that someone said, be sure to jump in rather than waiting to be asked, as meeting facilitators cannot read your body language and may not recognize the need to pause and invite your participation.
    • Appear professional: If participating in a meeting via webcam, remember to maintain a professional appearance. Remember, getting dressed for work will help you get in a mindset for work.
    • Use your video features: Turn your camera on as much as possible to stay engaged with your colleagues.
    • Use your calendar: Keep your calendar up to date to avoid confusion and breakdown in communication as it relates to your availability.

    Assessment of Remote Workspace

    A well-designed office allows each employee to work comfortably without needing to overreach, sit or stand too long, or use awkward postures (correct ergonomic design). Sometimes, equipment or furniture changes are the best solution to allow employees to work comfortably

    • Creating a Remote Workspace
      • Have a dedicated area to work in.
      • Customize your space for efficiency to maximize productivity. Think about a small white board or planner for tracking deadlines. Ensure supplies are within reach.
      • Arrange your workspace and keep it clean.
      • Schedule out even the little things on your calendar.
      • Ensure you have good lighting.
      • Use a comfortable chair that sits at the correct height for your desk space.
    • ​Safety Checklist
      • Employees are expected to maintain their home workspace in a safe manner, free from safety hazards.
    • ​Stay Focused
      • A new environment can offer a fresh mindset on work or many distractions. Talk with your family members that are at home during the day about your schedule to limit interruptions. Set time on your calendar for breaks such as walking to reset your mind.


    Working remotely can present unique ergonomic challenges, as there are several barriers to achieving the neutral postures necessary in the computer workstation setup. The goal of ergonomics (i.e. the scientific study of people at work) is to prevent injuries caused by sudden or sustained exposure to force, vibration, repetitive motion, and awkward posture. If your medical provider has recommended ergonomic technological equipment (keyboard, mouse, headphones, etc.) due to a disability, please contact ADA Compliance at to request an accommodation. Please remember that while the university may provide ergonomic assessments and furniture as an accommodation for on-campus work, the university does not provide ergonomic assessments of remote workspaces or furniture (desks, chairs, footrests, etc.) for remote work to any employees..

    • Set-up of Work Area / Assessment of Workstation
    • ​Ergonomics Training
      • – Ergonomics 101
      • Learn the basis of ergonomics: creating a healthy work environment. Find out how to adjust the equipment at your desk so you are comfortable and avoid common injuries. In this course, certified ergonomics specialist Barb Phillips shows how to set up your chair correctly for your body type and find more opportunities to work standing up—even without a standing desk. She explains how to avoid neck strain, rest your eyes, and protect your spine to prevent lower back pain. Plus, learn how to use your laptop to your ergonomic advantage. Barb provides advice on keyboard and monitor positioning, chair placement, lighting, temperature adjustments, and more—quick fixes that anyone can do to immediately ease pain and discomfort.
    • ​Stay in Tune with Your Body
      • Try these online resources to stay in tune with your body:
    • Ergonomic Resources

    Get to know LinkedIn Learning. An online library of instructional videos, taught by accomplished instructors and recognized industry experts, that cover the latest software, creative, and business skills. LinkedIn Learning is available to all CU employees and students at no additional cost.

    Below are recommended LinkedIn courses that can support your remote work arrangement. Search the titles below in LinkedIn Learning to start a course.

    • Proven Tips for Managing your time
    • Learning Zoom
    • Time Management: Working from Home
    • Productivity Tips: Setting Up Your Workplace
    • Productivity Tips: Finding Your Productive Mindset
    • Leading Virtual Meetings
    • Managing Virtual Teams

    Additional resources online

      • This website provides excellent resources and tips for working remotely from a variety of media sources.

    Utilize Virtual Teambuilding

    Try or recommend team building activities via Zoom. Some ideas include:

    Begin to Build Networks

    ​Work Network

    Work Networks coordinate and cooperate through knowledge and trustin order to accomplish work. Generally, work networks:

    • Are internal to the organization.
    • Contacts are oriented to current demands.
    • Members are defined by task and organizational structure.
    • Build strong working relationships.

    Ideas for building a work network:

    • With your supervisor,
      1. Identify colleagues in your departments that are considered part of your work network.
      2. Identify who you depend on in other departments to complete tasks or share knowledge specific to your role.
    • Request time to meet with these individuals to learn about their role.
    • If applicable, set up period check-in meetings to stay connected.

    Knowledge Network

    A knowledge networks is comprised of individuals and teams who come togetheracross organizational and disciplinary boundariesto share a body of knowledge. It captures, transfers and creates knowledge for the purpose of creating value. Generally, knowledge networks:

    • Accumulates knowledge to support individuals and teams.
    • Distributes knowledge through common experiences and vocabulary.
    • Identifies and adapts knowledge to specific challenges.
    • Supports innovation through vetting ideas.

    Ideas for building a knowledge network:

    • Volunteer to be a part of a working group, committee or task force. Let your supervisor know of your interested if the opportunity comes up.
    • Look for campus events that have the opportunity to connect with others across campus.
    • Volunteer at a professional association event. For example, helping out at the registration table. You get to meet everyone who comes in, and they get to meet you.

    Resources for Building Networks

    • View theby the CU Boulder Staff Career Development Program Manager
    • CU on Coursera: CommunicatingEffectively in Groups.

    Take Advantage of Campus Communications

    Participate in Campus Events

    Visit theto search for events.

    • Diversity & Inclusion Summit
      • The goalis to provide a foundation to help us build community resilience, foster mutual respect, and promote empowerment, visibility, validation and unity among students, faculty and staff.
    • Conference on World Affairs
      • An annual event that brings together thought leaders from across the globetodiversify the student experience and share with the community a range of perspectives on the pressing issues of the day.
    • Health & Wellness Summit
      • Create a one-stop-shop for faculty, staff and students to learn more about resources and support available at CU Boulder.
    • Womens Leadership Symposium
      • Hosted by the Center for Inclusion and Social Change the Women’s Leadership Symposium seeks to explore the variety of ways authentic leadership is present in our communities, empower confidence in leadership styles and practices, and engage the resiliency in tomorrow’s leaders with CU Boulder students, staff and faculty.
    • CU on the Weekends
      • Brush up on your knowledge through free public lectures featuring some of CU Boulder's most dynamic faculty.

    Get Involved in Campus Governance

    • Staff Council
      1. CU Boulder's Staff Council is a team of elected members from across the campus. We representthe interests of our campus' staff by advocating on a variety of issues, proposing policies, serving in an advisory role to administration, and facilitating a variety of events to bring collaborative opportunities to the campus.
    • Boulder Faculty Assembly
      1. The Boulder Faculty Assembly is the representative body of the faculty in the shared governance of the CU Boulder campus. Aguiding principle of thatshared governance, recognized by the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado, isthat the faculty and the administration shall collaborate in major decisions affecting the welfare of the University.