Employee Compensation FAQs FY2024-2025
- The FY 2024-25budget includes:
- Effective 7/1/24, a 3% across-the-board (ATB) increase for classified staff in alignment with the State of Colorado
- Contingent upon meeting fall census targets, effective1/1/2025, a 4% compensation pool for university staff, faculty, and graduate students on appointment
- Units, colleges, and schools must have an approved employee recognition program to provide pay increases or bonuses outside of regular campus processes.
- All classified staff employees with an active appointment as of 6/30/24are eligible to receive a 3% base pay increase effective 7/1/24unless limited by the maximum of the pay range. This increase does not apply to new hires starting 7/1/24or later.
- “ATB” is the abbreviation used for “across-the-board”. This means the same rate (3%) applies to all eligible employees unless limited by the maximum of the pay range.
The 3% increase is applied to the classified employee’s base pay rate as of 6/30/24and before any other July 1 pay changes.
The classified 3% ATB is base-building up to the FY24-25pay range maximum for the employee’s job classification. Any amount over the pay range maximum is annualized and paid as a one-time lump sum in the employee’s end of July paycheck.
If the employee’s salary is below the campus starting rate of $18 per hour after the 3% across-the-board increase is applied, the employee'ssalary will be raised to the new campus starting rate of $18 per hour.
If the employee’s salary is below the FY24-25pay range minimum for the employee’s job classification after the 3% across-the-board increase and campus starting rate adjustments are applied, the employee’s salary will be raised to the FY24-25pay range minimum.
- The State of Colorado is implementing a Step Pay Program, as outlined in the 2022 Amended Partnership Agreement in COWINS Article 31.6, which provides base salary increases to eligible State classified employees at certain milestone years. On July 1, 2024, eligible classified employees will receive the 3% across-the-board (ATB) increase, then may receive an increase to the step pay rate for their July 1 job pay range based on total completed years in their current job series as of June 30, 2024.
- Please review the Classified Staff Step Pay Informationweb page for more information.
- The final July 1 pay rate for classified employees is rounded to the nearest whole dollar if full-time and to two decimal places if part-time.
- are available from the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA).
- An increase that raises an employee’s continuing/ongoing salary is considered a “base-building” pay increase. A non-base building pay increase is temporary and has an end date. This year’s 3% ATB increasefor classified employees is base-building up to the pay range maximum.
- Classified staff and non-classified staff (university staff, faculty, students, etc.) are different personnel systems with different laws and policies that govern them.
- Classified staff positions are part of the State of Colorado personnel system and governed by a negotiated between the State and the classified staff union, .
- Requirements for setting pay for classified employees are set by the state legislature, the, and the Partnership Agreement.
- University staff, faculty, and student positions meet the criteria under state law to be exempted from the Colorado personnel system. As such, these positions are not classified staff and are not subject to the state of Colorado rules, procedures or Partnership Agreements that govern classified positions.
- This year’s 3% ATB increase for classified employees was approved by the Colorado Legislature in the 2024-25Long Bill, and this does not apply to university staff, faculty, students, or other CU employee populations.
- The Colorado General Assembly, based on recommendations from the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA), determines each year whether to provide increases to classified staff salaries and/or benefits, how much those increases should be, and how they should be implemented. The final decision differs year to year based on many factors, including how classified employees’ salaries or benefits statewide are aligning with market factors. Some years the state approves increases based on a performance matrix. In other years the state approves flat, cost-of-living type increases, across-the-board regardless of performance. This year, through the Partnership Agreement with COWINS, the state of Colorado approved a flat across-the-board increase, and CU is implementing the state of Colorado’s decision for its classified employees.
- Updated are available from the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration.
- Effective 7/1/2023, the starting rate at CU Boulder will increase from $15 per hour to $18 per hour for classified staff and university staff and $16 per hour for student assistants. This move will allow the campus, at a critical time of economic recovery and expansion of the job market, to make a vital investment in the stability of our workforce - stability that results in a more enriched and impactful student experience and that makes CU Boulder a more competitive employer.
- The campus starting rate will increase to $18 per hour for staff and $16 per hour for student assistants effective July 1, 2023.
- This is a university and campus initiative. While this is not related to a state or federal requirement right now, it will prepare the university well for any future changes that might come at the state or federal levels.
- The new campus starting rate levels apply to all classified staff, university staff and student assistant employees of the campus.
- Entry pay levels for faculty and graduate students on appointment are reviewed and updated by the campus on a regular basis to remain competitive with market forces, similar to the process for staff and students. For positions funded by gifts and grants, such as for research faculty, hiring units should include an $18 per hour starting rate through their annual funding and budget review processes.
- Campus funds will be allocated to budget model support units for general fund regular salaried staff and general fund students paid hourly. Schools and colleges receive the estimated general fund starting rate in July with their initial continuing budget. Other categories of employees will be funded by the hiring unit.
- By the end of July 2023, regular staff employees will receive notifications outlining their final July pay rate and how it was determined.
- Department HR Liaisons are responsible for notifying temporary and student employees of their new pay rates.
- No, since this is a University initiative, the starting rate applies to all eligible positions.
- The increase will be uploaded in HCM effective 6/25/23 and will apply to the bi-weekly pay period ending 7/8/23 (pay date 7/21/23) and all those that follow.
- No, as with other starting rate increases, Employee Services will automatically increase the pay rate in HCM for any positions below the new starting rate.
- Additionally, campus HR will partner with Employee Services to upload all campus-wide pay increases effective July 1. Departments do not need to make these entries.
- For student assistants, if departments wish to increase the pay above the new starting rate, they will be responsible for making those adjustments. The adjustment would need to be effective no later than 06/25/23 to apply to the pay period ending 07/08/23 (pay date 7/21/23).
- No, pay rates for new or active job postings in Avature (CU Boulder Jobs) will be updated as needed by the Human Resources (HR) Talent Acquisition (TA) team.
- Job postings maintained on sites outside of Avature (CU Boulder Jobs) will need to be updated by the hiring unit unless you are already working with the HR TA team.
- No, not at this time. Departments may follow up with HR to review options for any specific impacts if needed.
- Campus Human Resources and the Office of Student Employment will update student assistant pay ranges effective July 1 to accommodate the new starting rate level.Updated ranges can be found on the Student Employment website at Student Assistant Job Descriptions, Pay Ranges and Job Codes | Student Employment | 鶹Ƶ.
- No, not at a central level. Departments and units may consider adjusting pay rates for other student positions in their areas if needed based on their department/unit practices
- Student Employment will update job postings on the Student Jobs board if they have rates that fall below the new starting rate to $16.00; however, you are welcome to make the updates yourself for expediency. If your job is posted elsewhere, like on a departmental web site, you must update it.
- Campus Human Resources and the Office of Student Employment will update student assistant pay ranges effective July 1 to accommodate the new starting rate level as well as other annual updates. Updated ranges can be found at s.
- No, since this is a University initiative, the starting rate applies to all eligible positions.
- No. Unfortunately work-study award amounts have already been issued for this upcoming academic year prior to this decision being made. A department may submit a Work-study Increase Request starting May 15 on the Student Employment website. There is no guarantee an increase will be granted. Requests will be reviewed on a bi-weekly basis, starting mid-August.
- Yes. Once Employee Services increases the rates for anyone below $16.00 an hour, if the student’s pay falls outside the new ranges your department will need to either move the student to the correct student assistant job level or increase their pay rate to fall within the correct student assistant level. See the Student Employment Job Descriptions, Pay Ranges and Job Codes page at .
- If just the pay rate was adjusted and they still fall within the minimum/maximum for that job code, nothing needs to be done.
- If the pay rate was adjusted and they no longer fall within the minimum/maximum for that job code, you will need to update the job code and/or position number first and then you will need to update the work-study indicator page with a new effective date for the new job code/position number in order for work-study to continue to pay.
- The increase will be uploaded in HCM effective 6/25/23 and will apply to the bi-weekly pay period ending 7/8/23 (pay date 7/21/23) and all those that follow.
- A student cannot be paid below the $16.00 an hour starting rate.
- The nature of the work should determine the pay rate, not the student’s work-study award amount.
- If a department cannot afford to pay the student after their work-study award is exhausted, the student will need to stop working at that time.
- Yes, as with a normal change to the starting rate, Employee Services will automatically increase the pay rate of any positions below the new starting rate. If departments wish to increase the pay above the new starting rate, they will be responsible for making those adjustments after the upload from Employee Services is completed.
- A department can run the Personnel Roster report to see if anyone is below $16.00.
- A department can also run the CUES_HCM_JOB_UNDER_MIN_WAGE query report when the wage has been updated to $16 to see if anyone falls below this rate at any time.
- The 4% compensation pool for university staff for 1/1/2025will be an across-the-board (ATB) increase of 4% for employees rated as meeting expectations (3 rating) or above in the most recent performance evaluation cycle or confirmed as meeting expectations in the role by the hiring unit if a completed evaluation is not available.
To be eligible for the 4% ATB increase effective 1/1/2025, university staff employees must meet the following criteria:
- Be in an active, regular (not temporary or working retiree) university staff appointment on the effective date (January 1) ANDhave a completed performance evaluation for the most recent performance cycle with a rating of meeting expectations or higher (3, 4, or 5) ORnew hires effective on or before September 1 who were not eligible to participate in the most recent performance evaluation cycle must be meeting expectations in the role as confirmed by the hiring unit during the HR roster review process AND current employees with a transfer, promotion or base pay increase effective on or before November 15 will remain eligible for an increase January 1, if the above criteria are also met, unless specified otherwise in the terms of an offer letter, MOU or addendum.
- New employees hired after September 1 are not eligible.
- Current employees with a transfer, promotion or base pay increase effective after November 15, will not be eligible for the January 1 increase. Hiring units should plan the new salary for these appointments. accordingly. Units should work with their PMC consultant on the timing of any occupied staff position changes.
- Temporary appointments (including working retirees) and limited term appointments of 12 months or less are not eligible.
- Employees with a performance rating below meeting expectations (1 or 2 rating) are not eligible for the January 1 increase.
- “ATB” is the abbreviation used for “across-the-board”.This means the same rate (4%) applies to all eligible employees who are meeting performance expectations.
- An increase that raises an employee’s continuing/ongoing salary is considered a “base-building” pay increase. A non-base building pay increase is temporary and has an end date.
- Newly hired employees within the past 4 months should have already been hired at current market rates and are eligible for increases in future cycles but not immediately after hire.
- Although different systems, classified staff and university staff jobs still have many similarities, more so than with faculty, and alignment between university staff and classified staff is desirable when possible. The state of Colorado is implementing an ATB increase for classified staff for the next two years.
- For Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, substantially similar positions need to be treated consistently with regard to pay. For university staff, substantially similar jobs exist across campus departments, colleges and schools, so a campus-wide consistent approach is required. For faculty, substantially similar work is discipline-based which tends to exist within a department or within a research project. This allows pay practices for faculty to be managed at the unit level, which is not the case for university staff. A consistent campus-wide approach for performance management for university staff is under review so that a performance-based process can be utilized more effectively again in the future once this work is completed.
- Classified staff pay increases follow a different cycle that aligns with State of Colorado personnel system laws and rules and the State of Colorado with the employee organization. Classified staff typically receive pay increases on July 1 of each year (instead of January 1 for non-classified employees) when approved by the Colorado Legislature.
- Please review the .
- Refer to the Classified vs University Staff Comparison Chart to learn more about these two different staff personnel systems.
- Eligible employees will see the increase in their January 2025end-of-month paychecks.
- Eligible employees will receive a salary increase notification email during the fourth week of January. The email notification template will be provided in advance to each college, school, and division HR leader in advance for reference. Units may communicate their own messages of thanks or any other unit specific considerations in advance or as a follow-up to the centrally sent notifications.
- The 4% compensation pool for faculty for 1/1/2025will be a merit exercise influenced by performance rating and allocated by the unit based on their current salary procedures.
To be eligible for a faculty merit increase effective 1/1/2025, employees must meet the following criteria:
- Be in an active, regularresearch faculty or regular faculty appointment on the effective date (January 1) AND
- Have a completed performance evaluation for the most recent performance cycle with a rating of meeting expectations or higher (3, 4, or 5) OR
- New hires effective on or before September 1 who were not eligible to participate in the most recent performance evaluation cycle must have a performance plan in place ifrequired by applicable campus guidelines and will be assigned either a “Meeting Expectations” rating or NMS (No Merit Score) by the hiring unit. Assigning NMS means the employee will be ineligible if there is a merit exercise effective January 1
- Employees receiving a base compensation increase effective on or before November 15will remain eligible for a merit increase January 1, if the above criteria are also met, unless specified otherwise in the terms of an offer letter, MOU or addendum.
- New employees hired after September 1 are not eligible.
- Current employees with a transfer, promotion, or base pay increase effective after November 15, will not be eligible for the January 1 increase. Hiring units should plan the new salary for these appointments accordingly.
- Employees with a performance rating below meeting expectations (1 or 2 rating) are not eligible for the January 1 increase.
- Temporary and working retiree appointments. Research affiliates, visiting researchers, and postdoctoral fellows are also not eligible.
The following faculty employees with an active appointment as of September 1 are eligible:
- Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
- Teaching faculty on multi-year agreements including principal instructors, senior instructors and instructors (with working titles of teaching professor, teaching associate professor and teaching assistant professor respectively)
- Institute Directors
- Scholars-in-Residence (must be on multi-year agreements)
- Artists-in-Residence (must be on multi-year agreements)
- Research Faculty (PRAs, Research Associates, Postdoctoral Associates, and Research Professors)
- Faculty in Administrative appointments (tied to base salary as outlined in a letter of offer)
- Temporary faculty
- Working retirees
- Temporary and visiting researchers
- Research affiliates
- Postdoctoral fellows (job codes 1438 and 3201)
- Graduate student faculty
- Annual salary adjustments for faculty are merit based and support current employees' salaries remaining competitive. Newly hired employees are eligible for merit increases in future cycles but not immediately after hire.
- For Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, substantially similar positions need to be treated consistently with regard to pay. For university staff, substantially similar jobs exist across campus departments, colleges and schools, so a campus-wide consistent approach is required.
- For faculty, substantially similar work is discipline-based which tends to exist within a department or within a research project. This allows pay practices for faculty to be managed at the unit level, which is not the case for university staff. A consistent campus-wide approach for performance management for university staff is under review so that a performance-based process can be utilized more effectively again in the future once this work is completed.
- Eligible employees will see these changes in their January, 2025end-of-month paychecks.
- Eligible employees will receive a salary increase notification email during the fourth week of January. Units may communicate their own messages of thanks or any other unit-specific considerations in advance or as a follow-up to the centrally sent notifications.
A base-building, 4% across-the-board increase for temporary faculty will be effective January 2025 and graduate students who are earning the standard campus rate will be effective August 2024for those in eligible job codes. Many graduate programs across campus pay above the campus standard rate. Any stipend increases for graduate students in those programs will be determined at the departmental level.
- Contract by course faculty compensation schedules will be adjusted by a minimum of 4% effective January 2025
Eligible employees include temporary faculty who have an active appointment forthe spring 2025semester in the following jobs:
- Lecturer
- Professor Adjunct, Associate Professor Adjunct, Assistant Professor Adjunct, Senior Instructor Adjunct, Instructor Adjunct
- Sr. Instructors (including those with the working title of “Teaching Professor”) and Instructors (on a less than one-year, 12-month appointment)
- Scholars-in-Residence (on a less than one-year, 12-month appointment)
- Artists-in-Residence (on a less than one-year, 12-month appointment)
- Visiting Faculty (on a less than one-year, 12-month appointment)
- Faculty Fellow (excluding administrative appointments)
- The 4% across-the-board compensation update will go into effect with the start of the academic year 24-25. Graduate students on appointment will not be receiving a 4% increase in January 2025.
- For information regarding graduate students on assistantship appointments, please see the Graduate School website for more details.
- Graduate students on assistantship appointment in job codes 1502, 1503, 1505, & 1506
- Each department shall communicate the new temporary faculty contract rates and graduate student compensation directly with eligible employees in their respective areas following their usual notification processes.
- Budget and Fiscal Planning, Human Resources and the Provost’s Office will coordinate these compensation increases and will work with System Employee Services to upload the new pay rates to HCM. HR Liaisons will be able to review compensation and confirm payroll after updates are entered into HCM.
- HR Liaisons should avoid making personnel actions effective or entering pay rate changes in HCM during the salary upload review and entry process (June 19-30 for July 1 increases). Entries and corrections can be made after the July 1 salary increase rows have been loaded to HCM.
- Allocations for general fund employees are provided through the budget model design parameters. Departments with employees funded by other sources will need to self-fund the increases for those employees.
- Division, college, and school HR leaders will reviewtheir employeesscheduled to receive an increase in the campus budget tool. The timing and process for review depend on the type of employee increase.
- An overview of the merit exercise process and timeline is available for review and is also communicated by email with additional instructions to each college, school, and division. For research faculty, see the Research Faculty Performance web page.
- Under the new budget model, funding has already been allocated to schools/colleges for their merit pool. Merit and other general compensation changes will now be funded by unit funds as all tuition revenue is distributed in the new model. Summaries will be provided by BFP to each school/college to show the calculated merit increases for the General Fund.
- Faculty: The merit pool will be calculated based on ending FY24GF continuing budget for faculty. This pool will be allocated to the unit for faculty merit allocations.
- University Staff: The HR university staff roster will be used to determine the funding source(s) for each staff position in a support unit. Departments will review their roster utilizing the campus budget tool to determinewhether General Fund funding is from the continuing budget or temporary budget. The final General Fund continuing budget will be applied to the merit increase amount provided by HR.
- Classified Staff: General fund classified salary and benefit budget is allocated on August business per the amount prepared by HR.
- Calculation: General Fund FTE per rosters * HR provided merit amount = General Fund Budget University Staff Salary Allocation.
- The associated general fund benefits will be allocated at the corresponding fringe benefit rate to the benefit budget account code.
- Schools and colleges receive the estimated merit budget pool in July with their initial continuing budget. Under the new budget model, funding has already been allocated to schools/colleges for their merit pool. Merit and other general compensation changes will now be funded by unit funds as all tuition revenue is distributed in the new model. Summaries will be provided by BFP to each school/college to show the calculated merit increases for the General Fund. Half of the calculated merit is pulled back as a temporary budget reduction simultaneously. No additional funding is provided to schools/colleges for the annual merit exercise.
- For support units, the continuing budget for merit salary plus benefits will be transferred to the allocation speedtype in January 2025. Half of that will be pulled back as temporary budget reduction simultaneously.
- Central campus will allocate the associated benefits budget for all general fund continuing salary increase allocations at the fringe benefit rate to support units. You can find fringe rate detail here.
- No, the department will need to identify funding for the merit increases for those employees not funded from continuing General Fund budget.