Woman in yellow rain jacket standing with a clear umbrella in the rain.

When we experience mental health struggles, it can sometimes take a toll on our relationships, academics, work performance and overall quality of life. Whether you or someone you know is struggling, help is available.

Here are six signs of depression you shouldn’t ignore (and where to find support).

Signs of depression

1. Difficulty getting out of bed

It’s perfectly normal to enjoy sleeping in or spending time in bed. However, if it has become difficult to find the motivation to get out of bed or get ready in the morning, this could be a sign of depression. Depression can make us feel fatigued, both physically and mentally, to the point where even small tasks, like waking up or showering, can feel exhausting or difficult.

2. Changes in sleep

The physical and mental exhaustion that comes with depression can also affect our sleep, which can show up in a variety of ways. This can look like sleeping throughout the day, using sleep to pass the time or choosing sleep over other daily activities.

However, you may also experience bouts of insomnia, which can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep at night. This can create a cycle where our anxious thoughts keep us up or disrupt our sleep, which can in turn lead to more anxious thoughts.

3. Changes in appetite

Depression can affect our appetite and eating habits. Some people may experience increased hunger, while others may have less of an appetite or not be hungry at all. If you notice changes in your sleep habits, like the ones listed above, you may also notice changes in the way you eat. This is because sleep helps regulate our hunger hormones, which helps our bodies avoid over- or under-eating.

4. Persistent irritability or mood swings

When someone is struggling with depression, changes in mood can switch at a moment’s notice. One second, we may be angry, the next we’re crying or shutting down. Sometimes these changes can be triggered by small or insignificant challenges, while other times they may be completely unprovoked. If you notice a pattern of irritability, outbursts or quick changes in mood for more than a few days, it may be linked to depression.

5. Difficulty experiencing joy or connection

When we’re depressed, it can take all the joy out of things we used to love and make it harder to connect with others. We may begin to lose interest in hobbies, friendships, schoolwork, extracurriculars, sex or life in general. In some cases, people may isolate themselves from close friends, family members or others who care about them, which can perpetuate feelings of hopelessness or loneliness and symptoms of depression.

6. Self-harm and self-injury

Depression and anxiety can create overwhelming emotions, and some people may turn to self-harm in search of relief. Typically, when someone engages in self-harm behaviors, they do not do it with the intention of dying by suicide, but rather a way to manage painful emotions.

Self-harm can take many forms and vary from person to person. Some examples include damaging one’s skin (cutting, burning, scratching or carving), hitting or punching oneself, piercing one’s skin with sharp objects, picking or reopening wounds and banging one’s head or body into other surfaces like a wall or door.

Because self-harm and self-injury are highly stigmatized, it can be difficult for people who self-harm to seek out support. However, there are supportive and confidential services available on campus, including counseling, recovery groups and more.

Supporting a fellow Buff

If you notice a roommate, friend, coworker or classmate experiencing any of these symptoms, here are a few things you can do to help.

Acknowledge their feelings

Oftentimes, when someone is depressed or thinking about suicide, they will disclose their feelings to friends or loved ones before seeking out resources. If someone expresses difficulties, even if they don’t refer to it as depression, acknowledge their feelings and let them know that you’re there for them.

Express concern

If someone expresses the desire to hurt themselves, shares thoughts of suicide or displays concerning behaviors, let them know you’re worried about them. You can say something like, “You haven’t seemed like you have been feeling offlately, and I’m worried about you. Is everything okay?”

Remain calm

It’s normal to feel anxious when someone discloses that they’re experiencing mental health difficulties, including depression or suicidal ideation, but it’s important to appear calm and confident. If we come off as nervous or stressed, it may make the other person feel like they need to take care of us. Remember, it’s okay to seek support for yourself while offering support to others.

Listen without offering judgment or advice

Listen to your loved ones when they tell you about their experiences, emotions and difficulties. Avoid passing judgement, relaying your own experiences or offering advice about what you think they should do. Instead, focus on being there for them in the moment. Your job isn’t to fix the situation but to help them feel heard and understood.

Ask what would be helpful

Everyone needs help in different ways. Ask them what might be most helpful, but keep in mind that people often don’t know what they need. If they have specific requests, let them know which ones you can reasonably help with. If they aren’t sure, you can offer to help them clean, go grocery shopping or check in on them. You can also make a plan to check in with them later to give them time to reflect on what might be helpful for them without being put on the spot.

Share resources

If someone you know is struggling, know that you don’t have to carry that burden for them. Instead, let them know there are resources available to help. When sharing resources, avoid forcing that person to use them. Instead, allow them to choose how and when they seek out help. If they are comfortable finding more support, you can offer to help them connect with resources on or off campus.

Campus resources

Mental health resources

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS): Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provides mental health support for all CU Boulder students, including same-day mental health screenings, brief individual therapy, group therapy, workshops and crisis support. CAPS is open to students.

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP): FSAP is committed to promoting the mental and emotional well-being of CU’s staff and faculty. They offer free consultations, brief individual therapy and workshops. FSAP is open to staff and faculty.

AcademicLiveCare:AcademicLiveCare is a free telehealth platform that allows CU Boulder students, staff and faculty to schedule virtual medical and mental health appointments regardless of your insurance plan. This service does not provide emergency or crisis services. Academic LiveCare is open to students, staff and faculty.

Student Support and Case Management (SSCM): The severity of someone’s distress may be unclear, or you may be concerned about a student and don’t know how to move forward. If this is the case, you can refer students to SSCM. SSCM case managers connect students with campus partners, community resources and support systems, while also building a trusting relationship and coaching them toward self-advocacy. SSCM services areopen to students.Students, staff and faculty can make referrals for students.

Anthem Gold Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP): Students enrolled in CU Boulder’s Anthem Gold Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) have access to comprehensive medical, mental health and prescription coverage, including 100% coverage for in-network mental health visits. Services are open to enrolled students.

: All CU employee health plans include one free preventive mental health care visit per plan year for employees and covered dependents. Plans also offer coverage for mental health specialists that are in-network. For specific plan information, please consult the Employee Services website. Services are open to staff and faculty.

Additional support

Suicide prevention resources: Health and Wellness Services has put together information to help you talk openly about suicide, support someone you’re concerned about, attend mental health training sessions and get support if you or someone you know is considering suicide. Services are open to students, staff and faculty.

: Need help finding a mental health provider in the community? Thriving Campus can help you find and connect with local providers based on your needs, insurance coverage and more.

Mental Health First Aid: CU Boulder offers free Mental Health First Aid training to students, staff and faculty. During this training you will learn about risk factors and warning signs, engage in experiential activities and learn about evidence-supported treatment and self-help strategies. Trainings are open to students, staff and faculty.

WellCU: CU Boulder students can sign up for a free WellCU program to learn about mental health and well-being. Topics include trauma response, suicide prevention, self-care and more. Students who complete all five modules will receive a non-degree certificate. WellCU is open to students.

Supporting Student Resiliency: The Supporting Student Resiliency Professional Development Series provides CU faculty and staff with concrete skills to better support students. Sessions focus on areas critical to student retention and success. Faculty and staff can attend any individual session or attend all three sessions to receive a non-degree certificate. The series is open to staff and faculty.

Red Folder: Red Folder provides a quick reference guide to help staff, faculty and families recognize, respond to and refer students who are experiencing distress. Red Folder is open to staff and faculty.