- Teaching Professor
- German lower division language coordinator
- Undergraduate faculty advisor

Office: McKenna 234
Office hours: By appointment
Statement on Graduate Student Advising
M.A. Technische Universität Dresden, M.A. Ohio State University, Ph.D. Ohio State University
Berit Jany is the coordinator of the undergraduate German language program. She also serves as outreach organizer and tester for the Goethe Institut language exams B1-C1.
Main research and teaching interests:
SLA, Holistic Foreign Language Teaching and Learning,Proficiency and Assessment, German-Americana, Anabaptism and Pietism.
Recent publications:
Teaching & Linguistics
.”Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław 21(2022): 101-116.
“Spracherwerb als Prozess—Förderung des Selbstgesprächs in Anfänger DaF-Kursen.”Germanistische Werkstatt 11(2021): 119-132.
.” Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 53 (2020): 99-118.
“Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław 16 (2019): 39-50.
“.” Babylonia: A Journal of Language Teaching and Learning N3 (2019): 12-19.
“Interimssprache und das Bewusstmachen von Sprachfähigkeit: Eine Studie zu elektronischen Fremdsprachenportfolios in DaF Anfängerkursen.” Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław 13 (2018): 97-107.
“Beyond the Essay: Digital Documentary Productions in German-Americana Courses.” Society of German American Studies 52 (2018): 169-181.
“.” Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 48 (2015): 244-254.“
Literature & Culture
“.” German Life and Letters 72 (2019): 245-261.
“From Zealots to Saints: The Dichotomy of Anabaptist Images in Swiss Historical Fiction.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 93 (2019): 57-79.
“.” Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 6 (2018): 213-226.
“. Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus and Hungarian Anabaptists.” Studia Theodisca 25 (2018): 27-48.
“Caught Between the Lines: The Fictionalization of Anabaptism in Novels of the Kulturkampf Era.” Journal of Mennonite Studies 35 (2017): 357-380.
“” Studia Theodisca 23 (2016): 53-70.
Doopsgezinde bijdragen 42 (2016): 11-32.
” Studia Austriaca 23 (2015): 65-86.
“.” Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 2 (2013): 31-47.
“.” Chloe 47 (2013): 117- 145.
“.” Focus on German Studies 18 (2012): 3-18.