Image of saydie with glasses and turquoise earrings.
President of Engagement
Engagement Team

Saydie is a 3rd year Ph.D. student in Integrative Physiology with the College of Arts and Sciences. Her scope of academic research is understanding the chronic inflammation and pathophysiology of Type 2 diabetes in the gut microbiome and brain and seeing if a soil-derived bacteria, Mycobacterium vaccae, can alleviate the inflammatory symptoms (e.g., leaky gut syndrome and memory loss). Saydie looks forward to advocating and supporting minoritized student population groups, specifically- Native and Indigenous students. As a current graduate leader for the Native Graduate Student group and a past committee member for the Center of Native American and Indigenous Studies, Saydie continues to evolve the graduate student experience through shared governance, organizing student cultural events such as workshops, conferences, concerts, and art nights. 

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers