
  • Graduate Student


Ritu is a fourth-year graduate student in the Chemical Engineering program, who completed his undergraduate degree at Cal Poly Pomona. Ritu has an interest in developing models for the phenomena that govern active colloidal and microbot movement in biological media. He hopes to utilize the developed models for drug delivery and other biomedical applications. When he isn't working, he enjoys getting to be outside hiking and backpacking, or spending time baking and cooking.


Magnetic microrobots, Acoustic microrobots, Diffusiophoresis

Relevant Publications:

  1. R. R Raj, A. Ganguly, C. Becker, C. W. Shields IV and A. Gupta+, Motion of an active bent-rod with an articulating hinge: Exploring mechanical and chemical modes of swimming, Frontiers in Physics, 11, Sec. Fluid Dynamics, 2023 []
  2. J. G. Lee, R. R. Raj, N. B. Day, & C. W. Shields IV+, Microrobots for biomedicine: unsolved challenges and opportunities for translation. ACS nano, 17(15), 14196-14204, 2023 []
  3. J. G. Lee, R. R. Raj, N. B. Day, P. Martinez, N. Bottenus, A. Gupta & C. W. Shields IV+, “Bubble-based microrobots with rapid circular motions for epithelial pinning and drug delivery” Small, 19(32): 2300409, 2023 []
  4. R. R. Raj, C. Wyatt Shields IV, and A. Gupta+, Two-Dimensional Diffusiophoretic Colloidal Banding: Optimizing the Spatial and Temporal Design of Solute Sinks and Sources, Soft Matter, 19, 892, 2023 (Soft Matter Emerging Investigator Series, also selected as HOT article) []