Professor Emerita

Department: Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering

Education: B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of California at Davis (1978, 1980, 1982)
Teaching: AREN 2110 Thermodynamics; CVEN 4830 Senior Design Projects, CVEN 4833 Residential Water Reuse
Research: Biological Treatment of Contaminants in Water and Wastes, Water Reuse

Office: ECOT 456Ìý

Honors and Distinctions:

  • Distinguished Engineering Educator, Society of Women Engineers, 2000
  • NSF Faculty Award for Women Scientists and Engineers, 1992-1997
  • Research Award, Dept. CEAE, 1985, 1992, 2000
  • Teaching Award, Dept. CEAE, 1986, Multicultural Engineering Program (2000)
  • Service, Assoc. Environ. Eng. & Science Professors, 1997, National Water Research Institute, 1999

Recent Publications:
**Ìýdenotes work done in collaboration with graduate students
*Ìýdenotes work done in collaboration with undergraduate students

  • **Kohler, L., J. Silverstein, and B. Rajagopalan (2016) Risk-Cost Estimation of On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems Repairs Using Extreme Value Analysis, submitted, Water Environment Research.
  • **Suchetana, B., B. Rajagopalan, and J. Silverstein (2016) A Hierarchical Modeling Approach to Evaluate Spatial and Temporal Variability of Wastewater Treatment Compliance with BOD, TSS and Ammonia Limits, accepted Environmental Engineering Science..
  • **Kohler, L., J. Silverstein, and B. Rajagopalan (2016) Predicting Life Cycle Failure of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Using Generalized Additive Models, submitted Environmental Engineering Science, 33:112-124.
  • **Weirich, S.R., J. Silverstein, and B. Rajagopalan, (2015) Resilience of Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plants: Prior Performance is Predictive of Future Process Failure and Recovery Time. Environ. Eng. Sci. 32(3):222-231.
  • **Weirich, S.R., J. Silverstein, and B. Rajagopalan, (2015) Simulation of effluent BOD and ammonis for increasingly decentralized networks of wastewater treatment facilities.ÌýEnviron. Eng. Sci. 32(3):232-239
  • **Yacob, T., **Pandey, S., Silverstein, J. Rajaram, H. (2013) Soluble Microbial Products Decrease Pyrite Oxidation by Ferric Iron at pH < 2, Environmental Science & Techology, 47(15):8658-8665, 2013
  • **Weirich, S. R., Silverstein, J., & Rajagopalan, B. (2011). Effect of average flow and capacity utilization on effluent water quality from us municipal wastewater treatment facilities.ÌýWater Research, 45(14), 4279-4286.Ìý¶Ù´Ç¾±:10.1016/Âá.·É²¹³Ù°ù±ð²õ.2011.06.002.
  • **Gutierrez-Padilla, Ma.G., A. Bielefeldt, S. Ovtchinnikov, J. Silverstein, and M. Hernandez, (2010) Bacterial Kinetics of Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria and their Biodeterioration Rates of Concrete Sewer Pipe Samples, J. Environ. Eng (ASCE), 136:731-739.
  • **Gutierrez-Padilla, Ma.G., A. Bielefeldt, S. Ovtchinnikov, M. Hernandez, and J. Silverstein, (2010) Biogenic sulfuric acid attack on different tyes of commercially produced sewer pipes. Cement and Concrete Res., 40:293-301.
  • **Gutierrez-Padilla, G.D., A. Bielefeldt, S. Ovtchinnikov, J. Pellegrino, and J. Silverstein. (2009) “Simple scanner-based image analysis for corrosion testing: Concrete application. J. Mat. Proc. Technol. 209:51-57.