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Job opportunity at Grand County Water Information Network


2020 GCWIN Secchi Field Tech Job Description:

Executes Secchi monitoring program for GCWIN along with Lead Field Technician. Ensures field equipment is in top operating condition and that data collection meets quality control standards. ÌýThe Secchi Field Technician is responsible for installing, operating, calibrating, and pulling all field equipment.


GCWIN Water Quality Program Coordinator-Field Technician:

Grand County Water Information Network was founded in 2004 as a collaborative effort to enable better decision-making through science-based water quality monitoring, information sharing, and educational programming. The Water Quality Program Coordinator will need to be an energetic and independent worker, excited about water quality monitoring, data collection, and management. ÌýHe/she will develop, implement, and manage the water quality monitoring programs for GCWIN in coordination with the Executive Director. ÌýThe Program Coordinator will ensure field equipment is in top operating condition and that data downloading and collection meets quality control standards.
