Peter Newton
Associate Professor • Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Environmental Studies

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Ph.D. Environmental Sciences – University of East Anglia, UK
M.Sc. Applied Ecology and Conservation – University of East Anglia, UK
B.A. Zoology – University of Cambridge, UK

Research Interest

Dr. Newton is an interdisciplinary scientist, working at the intersection of natural and social sciences. His research aims to understand how governance interventions affect synergies and trade-offs between different outcomes in socio-environmental systems. He works principally in agricultural and forest landscapes, studying the potential and actual impact of technologies, policies, and programs that aim to conserve forests, enhance food system sustainability, and improve rural livelihoods. He works largely in Brazil and the US, but his research has also taken him to Indonesia, Mozambique, Uganda, and Vietnam.

Dr. Newton has published his research in environment, development, and interdisciplinary academic journals. He has also engaged extensively with non-academic communities: for example, he has given a talk at TEDx Boulder, and has provided testimony to the Colorado House Select Committee on Climate Responsibility.

A Note to Prospective Graduate Students

Dr. Newton is always open to hearing from prospective graduate students who would like to work with him. If you are interested in pursuing an MS or PhD with Dr. Newton, please email him with your CV and a one-page letter outlining your research interests. Please note that Dr. Newton does not have any dedicated funding to support new students beginning in August 2023.

A Note to Prospective ENVS Honors Undergraduate Students

Dr. Newton is always open to hearing from prospective undergraduate students who would like to work with him on an Honors thesis and/or UROP project. If you are interested in working with Dr. Newton, please send him an email outlining your interests. Note that Honors students should typically initiate an advisor-advisee relationship during their Junior year.


Group for Interdisciplinary Research on Agriculture, Food, Forests, Environment and Sustainability (link: )