Academic Coaching

  • Resilience
    Resilience (n.): the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  • Ambitious Icon
    ambitious (adj.): having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed. How to embrace the ambitious...  Challenging, demanding difficult, arduous—connotatively, our culture of competition has agreed to talk about ambitious
  • Self-Care icon
    As the semester winds down, consider ways to optimize your work process and create strong boundaries that support your academic success and health and wellness.
  • Scaffold
    scaffold (n.): supports that enhance learning and aid in task mastery.  As designers, the idea of scaffolding possesses relatively specific dimensions—this tool creates the opportunity to realize a two-dimensional idea in space. As you
  • Mindset icon
    We don’t always consider mindset when it comes to productivity, mastery, and execution, but its resonances in these spaces can determine not only how you perform but why.
  • Wellness icon
    Don't forget that there are resources available if you are experiencing imbalance, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, or otherwise feel that you need to seek help.
  • Systems Icon
    Mindfully designing systems supports your success in college. A system allows you to handle a bigger workload and more easily manage stress.
  • Agency Icon
    Well-designed actions promote agency and protect your time and energy allowing you to achieve classroom success while also developing your own interests.
  • Self-accountability icon
    How you approach the first week of school sets the stage for a successful semester. But what is success and how do you define it? Let's develop your own definition.
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