Environmental Design Student Ambassadors

Ambassadors in action photo collage

Environmental Design Student Ambassadors help promote the Program and provide a better understanding of ENVD majors, student life and student support services to prospective CU Boulder students and families.

Meet the Ambassadors

Lakin Fain

Major: Architecture
Minor: Fine Arts, certificate in lighting design

Why I selected ENVD at CU Boulder
I decided to do ENVD because it combines my passion for creativity and artistic consideration with the practicality of creating a positive impact. I love art and design but I wanted to end up in a career that directly attacks some of the major issues that our world is facing today. I believe in the broad scope of design and wanted the opportunity to design on many different levels. 

My goals with this degree
I want to find a career that creatively stimulates me while also allowing me to make a positive impact on a community. I want to walk away from this degree with a designer's thought process that prompts me to discover the best ideas and then have the technological tools and knowledge to execute any idea I come up with. 

 My advice to you
Find the work that genuinely excites you then devote yourself to it. Exist in a world of inspiration and stimulation from the things that you are passionate about. Surround yourself and fill your days with the things that make you think deeply. 

Lleyton Karimi

Major: Architecture

Why I selected ENVD at CU Boulder
Environmental Design at CU Boulder provided the opportunity for me to study architecture while focusing on the broader social and environmental implications of design. Additionally, I wanted to find a program that was directed toward a modern and sustainable approach to design while still being a place I could feel connected with my professors and classmates at. The creative spaces, talented people, and enthusiastic faculty have confirmed for me that this was the right choice!

My goals with this degree
I hope to further my education in architecture and design to start my track toward licensure. I would one day hope to become a principal architect at a successful firm or even run my own firm. I hope to create new and exciting designs that can simultaneously help to address real environmental and social issues.

My advice to you
Take pride in what you do and work hard to impress yourself! Environmental Design is not an easy field but anyone can be successful with the right attitude, focus, and passion. You can do so much more than you might believe, you just have to take the first steps to push yourself. Finally, do not stress if you are coming into this program, you will find a place here at ENVD with supportive faculty and other passionate peers.

Chloe Lapierre

Major: Architecture

Why I selected ENVD at CU Boulder
What I really love about the ENVD program is that you have so much freedom with all of your work to really explore what you want to pursue after college. By having four disciplines rather than just committing to one initially, you get a very well-rounded environmental design education and the chance to take classes that you wouldn’t originally consider. Now as an ENVD student, I love that I get to be creative every day fully backed with support from professors and the community. I feel that I could really make a positive change in the world through environmental design. 

My goals with this degree
After college, my goal is to work for a firm with an emphasis towards sustainability. I also really hope to travel and see what design looks like throughout the world. 

My advice to you
For students still deciding on their major or school, my advice would be to not hold back on your passions and dreams no matter how far away they seem at the moment.

Interested in becoming a student ambassador?

As a student ambassador, you will become a leader in–and the face of–Environmental Design. You will have the chance to share your enthusiasm about ENVD while working with a great team of students and form many meaningful connections with ENVD faculty and staff. You will also get the opportunity to learn new skills in presentation, event facilitation, public relations, marketing and leadership.

This is a paid position.

Requirements & Expectations
  • have a GPA of 3.0 or above
  • commit to working a minimum of 5-10 hours a week
  • attend bi-weekly group meetings
  • feel comfortable leading a group of people
  • have strong communication skills
  • be eager to network within the university and Boulder community
  • have a passion for helping others 
Apply to be an Ambassador

Applications go live during the spring semester for the next academic year.
