The Dean’s Matching Travel grant is intended, first and foremost, to support Engineering students who are presenting papers or posters at degree-related academic conferences, or participating in major-related academic competitions. Non-conference/competition travel may be considered on a case-by-case basis and is dependent on the availability of funds.


1. Prior to applying, students must obtain guaranteed funding from a Department, Program, or Advisor within the College of Engineering & Applied Science. We will not match other travel awards/grants nor any funding from non-CEAS programs/departments.

2. Graduate Students must first apply for, and be denied, funding through the Graduate School before submitting this application. This CEAS funding for graduate students is intended to replace the Graduate School's travel grants when those funds are exhausted.

3. Conference and competition participants must attach proof of acceptance or invitation at the time of application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

4. Applications must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to travel departure to allow for processing time. Applications submitted after the trip will not be accepted.

5. Only one award per student per academic year will be granted.

6. Dean’s Office Matching Travel Grants are limited to a maximum of $300 for North American travel (US, Canada, & Mexico), and $400 for international travel.

7. Group Travel: Groups of 5 or more students who are traveling to the same event with the same faculty advisor should submit a single group application. Group applicants are limited to a maximum award of $1,500 for the group.

8. Group travel participants may not also submit individual applications – travel funds awarded to a group constitute the one allowable award per student, per year.

9. Funds are limited and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the academic year (August 1 – July 31).

10. To claim funding, students should submit travel receipts for reimbursement to their respective departments who will then charge the Dean’s office. Funds are never awarded directly to the student.