2021 Outstanding Undergraduate Awards

Congratulations to our springÌý2021 award winners!

Every semester, we recognize students in the College of Engineering and Applied Science who have excelled in academicsÌýand extracurricular activities during their undergraduate careers. Students may be nominated by faculty, staff or their fellow students. Read more about the award criteria.

Undergraduate Award Categories

Overall Outstanding Undergraduate and Global Engagement Awards

Emily Zuetell
Emily Zuetell, Mechanical Engineering + Applied Math

  • Double major, with a minor in computer science
  • Multiple industry internships and undergraduate research
  • Travelled to Nepal withÌýEngineers Without Borders and served as chapter president

Colorado Engineering Council Silver Medal Award

Abbie Weeks in her converted camper van with her dog
Abigail Weeks, Environmental Engineering + Political Science

  • Chair ofÌýCU Student GovernmentÌýEnvironmental Board
  • Helped to organizeÌýthe Environmental EngineeringÌýEnvironmental Justice Seminar Series
  • Member of Engineers Without Borders' Nepal team

Outstanding Undergraduates for Academic Engagement

I feel proud of my role as a peer academic coach.'

Some of my favorite memories are ... studying late into the night with friends at the BOLD Center.'

Interdisciplinarity has been the cornerstone of my academic experience.'

I learned that people can still be great without being perfect.'

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Award

Don’t immediately look for the easy way out—strength is built through struggle.'

I am now able to use my own voice to create communities that prioritize access and inclusion.'

My biggest challenge was learning how to deal with different ways of thought and life.'

Outstanding Undergraduates for Research

Accepted position withÌýSystems Test Group of the Crew and Thermal Systems Division at NASA Johnson Space Center

Pursuing PhD in neuromorphic computing at the Center for Brain Inspired Computing at Purdue University

Finishing his master’s degree at CU Boulder through the BS/MS program

Pursuing a PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the Human Systems and Media labs

Starting at Microsoft inÌýSeptember as a software engineer

Pursuing PhD in chemical engineering at Northwestern University

Community Impact Award

The experiences I got in these student organizations helped shape me into the person I am today.'

I believe what defines an engineer is not knowing everything but the ability to learn and apply.'

Perseverance Award

If you think a project might be fun, then it's worth pursuing.'

Ask for help early and often. Everyone struggles with something in college.'

I was able to do what I needed in order to achieve my goals—even if it was on a non-traditional timeline.'