Degrees Offered:
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor's-Accelerated Master's (BAM)
- Master of Science
- PhD
Applied mathematicians can be found in almost every area of business and industry, including communications, manufacturing R&D, defense, engineering and business consulting, finance, and education. They may work on models to track the spread of disease, predict the weather, improve medical imaging, or improve a manufacturing process. Whether you dream of working on Wall Street or want to quantitatively study biological phenomena in areas such as immunology, infectious diseases, cardiology, and population genetics, a degree in applied math can prepare you to succeed in your goals.
While the opportunities for applying this degree may seem infinite, there is one thing applied mathematicians all have in common – they are problem solvers who work to make our world a better place. With a degree in applied mathematics, you will learn to identify and solve challenging problems through careful, step-by-step, logical analysis and, equally critical, you’ll learn to communicate your results.