Published: April 17, 2019


Why did you choose engineering at CU Boulder?

I have always wanted to be an astronaut. When it came time to apply to colleges I knew I wanted to go to a top aerospace university. As a Colorado native it was an easy choice to attend CU.

What does the #iLookLikeAnEngineer hashtag mean to you?

As a small, blonde, female cheerleader, #ILookLikeAnEngineer is all about breaking the “dumb blonde” stereotype. You are not defined by how you look but by what your mind can accomplish. I want all girls to know that they can be girly and feminine and be brilliant at the same time.

What are three things that make you unique?

I am captain of CU’s cheer team, I am a student pilot, and I can play the piano.

What are your career goals?

After graduation I will begin working full time for Lockheed Martin Space on satellite hardware, where I can apply my knowledge and gain experience in the aerospace industry. Long term I hope to one day be an astronaut. I would love to help colonize Mars or work on future deep space exploration missions.

What are your hobbies?

I love to cook! Almost every night I will get fresh groceries and cook a meal for dinner. I also love being outdoors. Every weekend I try to get outside and take a break from school whether it’s hiking, skiing or a going for a run.

Do you have a favorite quote or mantra?

“All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and I promise you something great will come of it” -We Bought A Zoo

What do you enjoy most about engineering?

I love that I get to learn how things work. As a kid I was always fascinated with space. My parents would track the ISS and whenever we could see it we would go outside and watch it pass. Being able to learn about orbits and how planes fly is amazing because I get to have a deeper understanding of all the things I loved growing up.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Remember that all freshman are just as nervous as you are. Don’t be afraid to knock on people’s doors in your hall or ask a kid in class to study together. Friends are the only thing that has gotten be through the last four years. As an engineer it can be discouraging when you see other students having crazy social lives while you focus on school. My advice is to always stay grounded, find a group of friends within your major, and remember why you chose engineering in the first place. It will get hard, there are days when I’ve wanted to change majors, but the day before I left for college I got a solar system tattoo to always remind me why I’m doing this and that I’m not allowed to give up. I’m so happy I have pushed myself to keep going. No matter how hard it gets just remember you have a whole university supporting you and you CAN do this!

Sheridan Godfrey, Class of 2019, Arapahoe High School,Aerospace Engineering