Wolfgang Keller

Professor and Director of the McGuire Center
Econ 106
Dept. Phone: 303.735.5500

Office Hours

Fields and Current Research Interests:
International Trade and Investment • Economic Development • Technological Change • Productivity • Economic History

• National Bureau of Economic Research 
• Centre for Economic Policy Research

Short CV

PhD–Economics, Yale University
Diploma in Economics, University of Freiburg

PhD, Yale University, 1995, is a professor with interests in international trade & investment and economic development. He is one of the leading experts on the international diffusion of technological knowledge. He also has recent work, funded by the National Science Foundation, on comparative development in China and Europe. He has been a resident scholar at the IMF's Research Department, as well as an advisor at the World Bank, where currently he is working on a project that focuses on the micro structure of foreign direct investment. He is member of both NBER and CEPR, and his research has been published in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, as well as other journals.