sustainable Buffs
- Don't let your leftovers go to waste this holiday season. Here are a few recipe ideas to combine leftovers into tasty new meals.
- Fall break is finally here. Many of us are probably planning to travel home for the holidays and may face the difficult task of teaching our relatives about the zero waste ideologies that we have grown to love here at CU. This is a very tricky
- Plastic production is a huge problem, and it is increasing exponentially - by 448 million tons since 2015 ( In a world that produces so much plastic, it is nearly impossible to avoid having unrecyclable plastics in
- Owning and maintaining a car can be a hefty expense for college students who are already paying for tuition and additional living expenses. Transportation Services at CU offers a wide range of options around campus, including buses, electric
- SCOBY -- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast -- could transform the leather industry.
- Here are ideas to use your pumpkins instead of throwing them away.
- Summer might be a great time to relax, but that doesn't mean you should relax your standards of sustainability. Here are some zero waste activities and tips to keep in mind. In Boulder Visit the farmers market on Wednesdays from 4-8 p.m.
- If you've made any sustainable choices or changes in your life, you may be interested in talking about them with others. In general, we are all more likely to adopt or change a behavior if people in our social group also practice the
- Not sure what to bring as you head back to campus for the fall semester? Check out these sustainable living ideas below as well as our full list of suggested items. A bike and U-lock Bicycles are an excellent way to get around CU and
- In the summer of 2014, CU-Boulder installed the university’s first landscape designed for and dedicated to pollinators. The landscape consists of barberry, currant, monarda, spirea, rudbeckia, yarrow, gooseberry, catmint and lavender, all