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DAO 2021-2022 Highlights

The Digital Accessibility Office offers a number of services across a few key areas: testing, captioning & accessibility services, procurement support, and training & outreach. In FY22 (Jul 2021-Jun 2022), we maintained and increased the level and amount of services provided in all key areas.

  • We nearly doubled our accessibility testing capacity (60 in-depth tests, compared to approximately 35 in FY21), as well as our capacity to work with service managers on the findings. For example, we now have weekly meetings with the Buff Portal team that have led to a growing number of in-depth consultations.

  • We captioned video content in 92 courses to fulfill student accommodations. Approximately 55,904 minutes of content was captioned. We also began supporting , a document remediation tool for campus.

  • We reviewed over 900 procurement contracts for accessibility compliance, with 10% of the volume requiring in-depth engagements with buyers and vendors about acceptable contract terms. 

  • We trained 150 CU staff and faculty in a synchronous setting on a number of core accessibility training topics. We also saw nearly 50 new people enroll in our self-paced that covers general awareness and basic skills in digital accessibility. The number of subscribers to our newsletter grew by 65 new people to over 350 total subscribers.

  • We added and expanded positions in our department, bringing us to a total of 6 full-time employees in addition to a number of part-time employees. This increase in capacity will help us provide more comprehensive and in-depth support to campus departments and individuals in all of the above areas.