Are you interested in...

  • building your design skills through real-world projects?
  • working in interdisciplinary teams of dedicated and diverse students?
  • solving relevant challenges in our local community?

If so, DFA CU Boulder sounds like the perfect fit for you! We are always looking for new members who are passionate about putting their skills and experience to use for social good.

As a DFA project member, you'll be expected to commit to attending weekly studio meetings, as well as completing any additional tasks necessary to move your project forward (user research sessions, project group meetings, late-night ice cream runs, etc.) In return, you'll have the support and experience of a national community of studios working to help you move your project forward, access to workshops and community events hosted by our studio designed to improve your design skills, and, hopefully, a lot of fun.

Want to learn more? Come to one of our weekly studio meetings, or email us!

Ready to jump in? Feel free to email us or attend our Kickoff Meeting!
