As part of CU Boulder's application of the Shared Equity Leadership model, the campus's academic and administrative unit leaders began using the results of the Campus Culture Survey and other resources in spring 2022 to develop action plans to address challenges hindering the campus's ability to create and sustain a more inclusive community. Each unit leader was asked to choose one or two goals to improve student, staff and faculty outcomes in their respective areas, working closely with DEI consultants from the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to ensure their success.

Broadly speaking, the goals of these action plans are to promote greater diversity, equity and inclusion and to further support the academic, research and career success of students, faculty and staff with a focus on eliminating barriers disproportionately affecting people with minoritized identities and impacting their achievement, safety and sense of community.

The following Action Planning Dashboard will enable the CU Boulder community to track the progress, and celebrate the successes, of 36 administrative and academic units working to create more inclusive experiences for students, staff and faculty.

Action planning assessments will be posted in this section in the future.