Questions and answers during the July 9, 2020 Campus Q&A Session regarding the Daily Health Questionnaire.

The following is not a verbatim transcript of the question-and-answer session. It has been lightly edited for clarity, ease of reading and to provide relevant links when appropriate.

Q: How can I select a different supervisor for the health questionnaire form? How can I get all of our graduate students’ forms to go to the chair of the department?

The supervisor field is pre-populated from human resources. It's populating whatever the most recent supervisor is for that individual or that employee. So if it is not pulling your primary supervisor you could certainly inquire to get that information changed with human resources.

The form is routed internally to the medical service department and there have been no discussions to have the forum routed to anybody else.

Q: If our lab is doing our own health form, why do we need to fill out this extra form for the university?

We are asking all departments to use the form in lieu of individual departments so that we can identify trends on campus and collect the data in a central location. We do actually hope to provide this data in some form on a data dashboard at some point for individuals to access.

Q: It's not clear what information the form is providing since one would think that a person who is sick or has tested positive would NOT be filling out the form because they would NOT be going into work. Is this form a way for university officials to cover themselves legally?

So as far as I'm aware, this has no legal ramifications and certainly that was not the intent in the design of the form. There are several ways we might actually find out that somebody is sick. We are not relying solely on this form to do that. But it is a convenient way to message medical services, specifically if somebody is out with COVID-19 and are on quarantine.

Q: Is it possible to have the form save all of the employee info from day-to-day? For example, phone number and supervisor contact information?

Currently, the form is only pulling metadata from HCM for the pre-populated name, email and supervisor information. We left the phone number purposely as freeform because sometimes the phone number within HCM–or the HR databases–is not the most accurate or updated.

Q: Will there be a health assessment required for members of the public or vendors that come to campus?

There currently is no requirement for campus visitors to submit a health questionnaire. Long-term persons of interest (contractors with an Identikey) have access to SkillSoft so they will need to take the training and daily health questionnaire.

Q: Is there a plan to make an app that remembers answers to make the form easier to fill out every day?

We are looking into that. The reason why the reason is the way it is today is we're utilizing the technology we've already purchased. We have our document management system and workflow system, and that's what we're using currently. We're talking about developing an app and that takes a lot of effort and lot of time. With this whole process, we had somewhat of a short turnaround to get this up and running. With our research faculty and staff coming back to campus we had a deadline to have this put together.

Q: 鶹Ƶ half the time I try to access the form, the page doesn’t load or shows an error. I have to keep reloading until it works. How are we supposed to have any confidence in this system when it barely works?

If that individual would like to submit a ticket to I can certainly work with them and see what is going on. Maybe do a screen share so I can see what the end-user is experiencing but I would say just keep refreshing and I would want to understand if there were connectivity issues with the internet.

Q: The symptoms listed on the form are not specific to COVID-19 or based on science. Does the administration take this form seriously or is it solely protection against liability?

I think they do. But you're absolutely right. The symptoms listed on not specific to COVID-19. They are, however, the symptoms that are currently recognized by the CDC and by the state of Colorado. Sometimes people are experiencing these symptoms on a more chronic basis or they know why they're experiencing, for instance, headaches. You might know that you have migraine headaches and you wake up with your usual migraine. So we have changed the language a little bit on that question. The current language is do you currently have any of the following COVID-19 symptoms that are not typical for you.

Q: Our research building has researchers from a wide variety of departments. The health questionnaire populates with a supervisor. However, in our case that is not helpful for researchers who are not rostered at our institute. Should we advise researchers to edit the supervisor field so that the questionnaire routes to the building proctor? Or for students who have multiple supervisors, should they enter the supervisor for whom they are doing the research for/with? And what should the supervisor (or whoever receives the reports) be doing with them?

If you could submit a ticket or request at that'd be great. And we can look into what the disconnect is.

Q: What follow up questions can supervisors ask employees who have already filled out the form? What is protected by HIPAA?

Once again supervisors are not going to receive answers to specific questions. They just receive notification that their direct report has completed the form. The University at this point is not mandating that an individual employee report that they have COVID-19. But if an employee discloses to their supervisor that they possibly have COVID-19 or if they're being isolated and quarantined because of contact or illness and then the supervisor can really help that employee and fill out paperwork and get the appropriate leave because there is additional leave available through the university for COVID-19 illness.

Q: Will this also be sent to all the student employees on campus, including permanent and temporary student employees?

There is a version of this form available currently for student employees and that link is found right next to the employee link.

Q: Can you send daily email reminders to fill out the daily health questionnaire? It gets pretty hard to remember to do it every day.

There is a possibility to send a daily e-mail, but the best and easiest way is to set a daily reminder in Outlook.

Q: What if family members have traveled out of state?

As long as you're feeling well the answer is probably no, you don't need to do anything different than the usual social distancing. That family member may need to do something different, depending on where they've been and what the current recommendations.

Q: If there are currently out of state travel restrictions/quarantine requirements, why is there not a question asking if you have traveled out of state during the previous 14 days? Also, is it relevant to know if family members have traveled out of state?

This form is not designed to be a complete health assessment and so travel was something that we did not include on the form.

Q: Let's say yesterday I was exposed to a confirmed positive case. Today I get tested, and it comes back negative. Now I'm on day 3 of my exposure and show no symptoms.

Does that still mean that I cannot come back on campus until the 14-day window is expired?

If you were exposed to a confirmed case yesterday, and I'm going to assume by exposed you mean less than six feet and more than 15 minutes; that's the current definition of close contact. So we'll assume for a moment tt was a close contact. Then you're absolutely right. The recommendation is that you should quarantine for 14 days. If you get tested today and that result is negative, it really doesn't tell us what's going to happen the rest of this time period. So you've still got 12 to 13 days where you may show the illness and the fact that your test is negative today doesn't mean that it might be positive in a few days. The recommendation is a full 14 days of quarantine.

Q: Do people who feel unwell need to fill out the questionnaire every day they feel unwell, even if they are not going to be on campus? Or just the first day?

If you are scheduled to be on campus, yes, you should always fill out the form.

Q: If someone wants to get a COVID-19 test but does not own a car, how can they get tested? Currently there is no service to transport someone to a testing site, or for a testing van to come to someone's home. This is especially important for people who are not students and cannot go to Wardenburg.

Currently, there's no service that transports someone to a testing site or for testing to come to someone's home. This is especially important for people who are not students and cannot go to Wardenburg. This is it's a huge, huge challenge and there absolutely is no perfect answer. I think if an individual isn't well and they can seek medical care they should contact their Primary Care Provider (PCP) and ask them and see what type of testing options or recommendations they have.

Q: If someone reports COVID-1919 symptoms in the questionnaire, will the supervisor be notified? Will a health care provider contact that person?

The only notification the supervisor receives is based on if the form has been completed.

Q: How should I answer the questionnaire if I suffer from a chronic condition that has symptoms coinciding with those listed on the form? For example, I have chronic congestion and runny nose due to my allergies. Currently, if I indicate that I have this symptom, the questionnaire advises me not to come to campus and to seek testing options. Should I be barred from campus due to my allergies?

I would encourage people to use their best judgment when they're answering those symptom questions. There is no direct ramification with your answers. What we're really trying to do is just build community understanding and a community culture about not coming to campus if it might have COVID-19.

Q: As a supervisor, what steps should I follow if an employee doesn't complete the form on a daily basis?

The first thing I would do as a supervisor would be to talk to my employees and see if we can identify any barriers that might be preventing the individual from completing the form (i.e. technology). If they are refusing to complete the form, then I think at that point it becomes a performance issue and you need to have a discussion with them. First, I would talk to them and maybe find out why it's not working.

Q: How will a POI (Person of Interest) have access to the daily Health Questionnaire? For example, Medical Services (Wardenburg) will have student externs, student interns or volunteers in their department completing required clinical hours.

So currently, the way the form is set up, it will be available to persons who have an Identikey for the CU Boulder campus. The expectation is for this person to complete it. These other groups, especially the student interns, is something we haven't looked at yet. So I think that's worth further consideration.

Q: As we are planning on having some students resume research work in our lab, we are planning on measuring their temperature each day before we allow them to work that day. We would like some advice on this procedure. Is it allowable? If so, how do we make sure to handle each student's temperature data so that we don't violate any confidentiality?

It's probably not recommended due to confidentiality.

Q: Quick question, if an employees calls out sick–non-COVID-19 related–do they still need to complete the health questionnaire?

If you are scheduled to be on campus, yes, you should always fill out the form.

Q: If the pre-populated information is wrong, how do we get that corrected so that it's populating the right things?

You can update phone numbers and email addresses in the under "My Info and Pay" dropdown. Employees can also contact their payroll liaisons to update personal information in HCM.

Q: When would a supervisor submit a form instead of an employee?

People who have any type of technological issues with the form or if the supervisor has any questions.

Q: Does the form getrouted to the supervisor too?

No, the actual form does not go to the supervisor. The supervisor only receives notification that their employees have submitted it.

Q: If an employee wakes up not feeling 100% (e.g., slight sore throat, most likely allergies but could be something else). Should they submit the form if they decide to stay home?

If you are scheduled to be on campus, yes, you should always fill out the form.

Q: To the notification request, could a second person be listed under the "Supervisor Information" for notification purposes?

Yes, that is possible. It would be a decision that would need to be made holistically.

Q: Suppose I can't take my temperature accurately at home?

If you think you have a temperature I would stay home. Some departments are getting disposable thermometers for those who do not normally have access to them at home.

Q: If someone thinks they may have COVID-19 or were exposed to someone who tested positive, but they either aren't coming to campus or not for another month, do they still need to complete the form?

You only need to fill out this form if you are scheduled to be on campus that day.

Q: Is the "form" actually an App? If not, how/where will employees access it? When does the process go into effect?

The form is not an app, but you can bookmark the form as an icon on your phone so you don't need to search for it on a daily basis. This is in effect when you are required to work on-campus.

Q: Is it a HIPPA violation to require staff to inform their supervisors if they have–or suspect they have–COVID-19?

It's the decision that's being made right now by HR and you're not required to notify your supervisor if you have COVID-19, however, there are some exceptions to HIPPA regarding a public health emergency.

Q: We have several frontline employees without means to fill the form out before coming to work. Additionally, we meet each morning (socially distanced) for a safety briefing and work assignments for the day. Our plan is to fill this out on paper. Does that meet the intent of this program?

Filling this document out via physcial paper we're missing the data. One solution is potentially having computers available onsite.

Q: What is the best way to request a campus building be added to the “Campus Location” dropdown menu?

Email The data for the dropdown gets pulled from the CU Maps application, so everything on campus should be populating.

Q: As a supervisor, this has happened a couple times over the past few weeks. The employee has been asked to stay home and monitor. We do not want to overwhelm you all with very low liklihood symptoms. If symptoms progress they are instructed to submit a form (while off campus) as soon as their temperature goes above the stated limit.

If the employee was scheduled to be at work you should still be completing the form.

Q: How can supervisors confirm and/or edit their contact information?

You can update phone numbers and email addresses in the under "My Info and Pay" dropdown. Employees can also contact their payroll liaisons to update personal information in HCM.

Q: Just want to verify who should be submitting the form and when. I thought it was only for employees coming to campus but then I saw this statement in the CU Boulder Health Policy. "Employees or students who are sick must stay home and complete the Health Questionnaire and Illness Reporting Form remotely."

It is designed to be completed by people who are approved to be reporting to work on campus.

Q: Do students need to submit the student form as well as the student staff form?

Currently there isn't a Student form, but there will be soon. So, right now you should only be filling out the Student Employee form.

Q: I understand we're to complete the form before coming to campus. Is there an expectation employees should complete the form when they're informing a supervisor to request sick leave?

If the employee was scheduled to be at work you should still be completing the form.

Q: Will the recording be available to review by staff who are not able to attend this meeting?

Yes, this will be available.

Q: Non-CU visitors who are taking part in human research studies cannot access the form. Do they qualify similarly to "campus visitors" or should we be asking them the questions on the form and reporting them some other way?

Campus visitors do not need to fill out the form to come on campus. However, certain buildings are screening individuals who enter the buildings.

Q: How does the campus plan to enforce the students completing the daily health questionnaire before attending class?

The workflow has not been fleshed out, but we're not going to be enforcing.

Q: Is there a plan to offer the form in different languages? For example into common languages of staff working on campus like Spanish, Mandarin and Neplese?

Yes, there are currently five translations under testing. Once feedback is finalized the forms will be released.

Q: Which form should student employees fill out during gaps in their student appointments (for example, graduate students who need to visit their campus office in the next month to pick up a book)?

The student employee form.

Q: The includes "fever" as well as "chills" as symptoms. Why does our form not have fever?

Fever is listed on the form, it is a separate question.

Q: If I am made aware of an exposure–where someone I've come in contact with has tested positive: do I need to quarantine? Do I need to get tested even if I have no symptoms? Do the tests have a sweet spot for efficacy, that's a few days in? If I need a test, do I need to quarantine until the test results are returned?

Yes, you need to quarantine for 14 days from the last contact with this person. If you develop symptoms, you should be tested. If you remain asymptomatic, you can consider testing after day 7 from exposure - negative test results do not change the need to quarantine for a full 14 days.

Q: On the form, it talks about if you have been "tested for COVID-19 since last time you completed form." Ann mentioned antibody testing included in this. Should I answer yes since I have donated blood recently (and they do antibody testing on blood donations)?

Yes, that is helpful to know.

Q: My staff work in multiple buildings during the workday. Should they fill out a form for each building? Or is the form just a notification they are on campus, not where?

Staff may indicate up to two locations on campus. This should be based on the most common locations, or the first two of many is fine.

Q: We've been advising people who are going to campus for any reason for any length of time to complete the form. (For example, an employee is going to campus to pick up a computer monitor, or return equipment they'll no longer use at home.) Is that the expectation?


Q: If I have some condition that makes it difficult for me to wear a mask, how should I get this documented so that I can come to work and not wear a mask?

Speak with your supervisor and possibly the ADA Compliance office.

Q: To whom was the invitation to participate in this Q&A sent? I did not share the invitation, thinking it was widely distributed.

It was sent to persons who have completed a questionnaire or been identified as a supervisor.

Q: I have a follow-up question, but I'd like to talk or email w/ someone about it - who should I contact? It's not a tech or HCM question, but more clarification for a Research Institute with a wide variety of individuals.

You are welcome to contact me with the question and I will answer if able or find you someone who can:

Q: In the form overview, Gloria said that filling it out should be part of your daily routine before coming to work, if you have access to the resources to do that. What is the protocol for people who don’t have the resources to fill out the form prior to coming to campus?

They should review the symptoms and close contact questions at home (print copy or from memory) and should not come to campus if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have recent close contact with a person with COVID-19. They can complete the form once they arrive on campus.

Q: Not a question, but a thank you for hosting this. It was really helpful and it was apparent that a lot of thought and work went into this effort. Thank you all for doing this important work!

Thanks andglad to help!

Q: I think I just got the error that a question mentioned earlier. It says "The form has not been configured in the current environment." The error went away when I revisited the form link.

Thanks for sharing this information. It is very helpful to know where there are challenges with the form.

Q: How are affiliates and other non-CU personnel who need to visit a building handled?

A variety of other measures are used to communicate the campus expectations for masking, distancing, hygiene and remaining off campus if ill or recently exposed to COVID19 illness

Q: Will the form and/or the requirements for when and how to complete the form (for employees specifically) change for the fall semester?

Perhaps, although nothing is currently planned.

Q: Earlier I thought this is meant for contact tracing. But it seems that it’s not. Is there any action that will be taken if there is a positive from the submission? Or it’s up to the person to take action?

You are correct, this form is not designed for contact tracing. Entities who test for COVID-19 (clinics, labs,etc.) are required to report to the health department and that is how contact tracing is usually initiated.

Q: Not exactly form related, but if someone has minor not-typical to them symptoms, but has no reason to assume they have been exposed to COVID-19, should they stay home for 14 days? Any amount of days?

I would recommend they contact their primary health care provider , discuss the symptoms and consider testing for COVID-19. This person should isolate at least until the test results are available.

Q: There are some different requirements from the state of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, one of which is stating that employees should have their temperature taken by a data entry person upon arriving at work and record that temperature and if that employee’s temperature is not over 100.4 they receive a Tyvek wristband. Do we follow that procedure or just go with the university policy?

I am not aware of a state of Colorado mandate for in-person temperature assessment and wristbands. The state has advised symptom and temperature tracking for universities but not provided specifics about how that must be done.

Q: So I tried making the bookmark to the Health Form and I get a blank page (and no, it was not a connectivity issue)

Please contact the (helpdesk) for further assistance.

Q: If an employee is scheduled to work on campus and they decided to stay home because they have had close contact with a confirmed case–but they are feeling fine with no symptoms–do they fill out the form?

Yes, that would be helpful.

Q: Students who are not student workers are currently in our buildings. Since the student form is not yet available, how should we handle them? And is the student training available?

Student training will be available this week as will the student health form.

Q: The challenging part is keeping shared computers (10-12 people) clean in the morning.

That is challenging. The form could also be completed on a mobile device, phone or tablet.

Q: How long will the database information be retained? What is the plan for disposition and destruction?

Currently we are following HIPAA and record retention standards for health records. We hope to have this particular data set destroyed sooner, but will need to seek appropriate legal clarification.

Q: I am primarily working from home however, when I come to campus I may be visiting a few job/construction sites. When I complete the form and list my office location (the building that my office is in) and add one of the buildings that I will access while on campus. With only two fields for buildings, I can't list all I may visit. Should I be submitting more than one form to add building?

No, what you are submitting is very helpful. It is reasonable to keep a record of your daily activities and locations in case that information is needed should you be contacted for contact tracing.

Q: If we are normally working from home at this time but we need to come to campus for one-off instances, am I understanding correctly that this form needs to be filled out for all on-campus related business?


Q: As student compliance procedures are developed, please be sure to publish clear guidance about which form student employees should be filling out, to avoid student employees being flagged as non-compliant because they filled out the employee form instead of the student form.

Thanks for the feedback. We will clarify the guidance on this issue.