The museum will be closed Monday, March 24 – Friday, March 28 to complete a maintenance project.
We will reopen with regular operating hours on Saturday, March 29.

Fishing Hooks and Line

These composite fish hooks found in the globular basket from Cache 2 average approximately 3.8 cm in length. They are made of wood with a bone point or barb lashed to them with cordage. The cordage is made of dogbane (ApocynumÌýspp.). Pine gum helps hold the bone points in place.

One hook is attached to fishing line, which is approximately 274.5c m long. The fishing line is tapered, two-ply, Z spin, S final twist in construction. A smaller, thinner second line is attached to the hook and may have been used to attach bait or a sinker. The other two hooks are attached to fishing line that is not tapered and are three-ply, Z spin, S final twist. The line is approximately 300.5 cm in length. Small second lines are also attached to the hooks.

The hooks and line are carefully crafted and show little use. Not many fish hooks at Fremont sites have been reported in the literature. However, they are not unexpected artifacts, considering that fish would have been an available food resource for the people who stored the hooks in Mantle's Cave. Numerous fish bones were recovered from the cave.