This form is to request a managed cloud instance that is hosted at the SPSC datacenter on east campus.

Please note that this is for a managed instance, meaning certain configurations such as authentication and authorization (via Grouper), networking, automated patching, AV (crowdstrike falcon), etc... is performed by our configuration management platform. If you are desiring an unmanaged instance, please use ourÌýÌý¾±²Ô²õ³Ù±ð²¹»å.

Please do not hesitate to contact Computer Science IT Services atÌýcscihelp@colorado.eduÌýif you have any questions.

Our response SLA on ServiceNow related to support for these instances is restricted to CEAS-affiliatedÌýusers only.
UsersÌýoutside this scope will only receive support onÌýa best-effort basis and are therefore encouraged to use other solutions such as those offered by Ìý´Ç°ù OIT Cloud Team.