Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Operations
Effective Date
May 2024
Approved By
Philip P. DiStefano, Chancellor
Policy Owner
Vice Chancellor for Public Safety
I. Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Establish the permitted use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS”) for 鶹Ƶ (“CU Boulder”, “University”) business or otherwise on and over CU Boulder property;
- Establish the Flight Operations Manual (“FOM”) as the University procedures applicable to UAS use on campus and for University business; and
- Establish the governance structure responsible to oversee UAS operations at CU Boulder.
II. Policy Statement
This policy is adopted pursuant to Laws of the Regents Article 14.B.3, which directs the
Chancellor to adopt regulations and procedures governing the use of UAS on CU Boulder
property and elsewhere if the UAS is university-owned or operated. This policy shall be
interpreted consistent with the Federal Aviation Regulations (“FAR”) and other applicable
Federal, state, and local laws and regulations. This policy and procedures are in addition to the
Federal Aviation Regulations (“FAR”) and are in no way intended to supersede the FAR, or other
Federal, state or local law or regulation.
This policy is applicable to:
- University faculty, staff, students, collaborators, and contractors operating UAS in any location
as part of their university activities, including research, teaching, student organization, or
employment. - All platforms of UAS, regardless of size or weight, including but not limited to: UAS, UAV Drone,
Model Aircraft. - Any individuals who operate UAS on CU Boulder property, including persons not affiliated with
the University. - Any individuals operating UAS purchased with funding through the University, including
University accounts, grants, or foundation accounts.
All pilots, including third parties, must adhere to the procedures associated with this policy and
otherwise referred to as, the Flight Operations Manual or “FOM” when operating UAS on or
over University property; when conducting University activities; and when operating University owned
UAS in other locations, as appropriate.
No UAS may be used in a manner that violates the FOM or otherwise materially or substantially
disrupts the University’s mission or operations. Illustrative but not definitive examples of
prohibited disruption include:
- Endangerment to personal safety or property.
- Negative impact on rights of privacy.
- Noise that disrupts classes, research, administrative business, noise that may disrupt travel or
navigation of campus, study, quiet enjoyment of housing and offices. - Obstruction of, or interference with, free movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
Exceptions to this policy or to the FOM may be granted by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Operations and the Provost following a risk review and recommend by the appropriate university officer (for
identified high risk items) or department head.
Individuals and organizations in violation of this policy and associated procedures may be
subject to discipline and penalties, as more fully articulated in the CUUF Policy and other
University policies.
The campus has established an Uncrewed Aircraft System Advisory Committee that advises
Senior Vice Chancellor for Operations and the Provost regarding UAS operations and required policy and
operational changes. These duties include:
- Periodic review of this policy
- Review and vote on recommendations from the director of flight operations or UAS technical
advisory committee; - Review exceptions to UAS policy and provide recommendations to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Operations and the Provost.
- Review recommendations from the TAC regarding standards, best practices, internal processes,
and training requirements, and - Review high risk flight activity occurring on university property or appeals of decisions by the
director of flight operations.
When evaluating on-campus flights Director of Flight Operations (DFO) will consider the
following principles and conditions for considering if a proposed operation should be reviewed
by the UAC as “high-risk”:
- Proposed operations meet 91-57C (Recreational) or part 107 requirements.
- Proposed operations must be conducted in support of academic, research, or university
operations. Student operators should have a faculty or instructor sponsor for academic
or research operations. - Proposed operations must be conducted no closer than 200 feet from CU residences
and must not capture footage of any private areas including residence hall rooms or
windows. - Pilots must have completed appropriate training as listed in the FOM.
- Flights being conducted by a third party must have evidence of insurance.
- Proposed operations provide evidence of risk assessment with appropriate risk
mitigation strategies.
UAC members and the UAC chair are appointed by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Operations and the Provost. At minimum, members of the Uncrewed Aircraft System Policy Advisory Committee
shall include the following roles or representatives:
- VC for the Department of Public Safety
- AVC for Research Integrity and Compliance
- CUUF Committee Chair
- Director of Flight Operations (ex officio non-voting)
- Research & Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV) representative
- Integrated Remote & In Situ Sensing (IRISS) representative
- CU Boulder Police representative
- Student Affairs representative
- Risk Management representative
- Researchers representing UAS activity
The campus has established a UAS Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TAC) to provide guidance
to UAC regarding FOM review, accident reports, risk management, guidance, and training.
Senior Vice Chancellor for Operations and the Provost or Chair of the UAC may invite additional experts,
internal or external to CU, to participate in the subcommittee on an as needed basis.
The Director of Flight Operations is responsible for:
- Creating, revising, and publishing campus UAS standards, best practices, internal processes, and
training in collaboration with the UAS Policy Committee and UAS Technical Advisory Committee, - Collaborating with University Counsel to monitor regulatory changes and coordinate with
regulatory agencies as appropriate; - Helping campus units (e.g., PICs) understand compliance requirements by providing guidance
regarding implementation of relevant federal, state, and university policy, best practices, and
regulations; - Providing up to date training regarding safe and legal UAS operations;
- Collaborating with campus units to both understand their objectives and provide guidance
regarding how to accomplish the goal safely and legally; - Managing airworthiness program for the campus;
- Reviewing and approving requests for UAS activity on university property and for high-risk
activities the DFO will provide a recommendation to the UAS safety advisory committee; - Advising Senior Vice Chancellor for Operations and the Provost regarding risk and provide guidance to
units on mitigating risk; - Conducting day-to-day management of the UAS program.
III. Resources
UAS Operational procedures (the Flight Operations Manual or FOM)
Safety Action Report
Director of Flight Operations (DFO)
CU Boulder Flight Operations Department
CUUF Policy
CU Boulder Office of Export Controls
IV. Definitions
The “Flight Operations Manual” or “FOM” contains the procedures adopted by the University
Director of Flight Operations for the permitted use of UAS under this policy. The FOM outlines
the minimum standard procedures for flights over, take-offs from and landings on, CU Boulder
property as well as flights on behalf of CU Boulder at other locations. Anyone with questions
about the FOM or this policy should contact the Director of Flight Operations (DFO) for