Old CU
- Actual mascot proposals prior to the Silver & Gold's 1934 national mascot naming contest.
- Life at CU Boulder shifts gears after commencement but hardly goes dormant.
- The Summer of Love — 1967, in case you’ve forgotten, or weren’t born yet — happened on Hippie Standard Time (HST).
- <p>Academic subjects evolve. Some disappear entirely. What decides the fate of a college major?</p>
- Byron R. White came to notice for his athletic prowess, then proved himself a star in almost everything else.
- There are more than 250,000 CU Boulder alumni today. For a few moments on a spring day in 1882, there was just one: Henry Alexander Drumm.
- A tiny but growing number of Americans live to age 100 or beyond. A pair of CU centenarians (and two on the cusp) recall the 1930s.