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Space Exploration: Past, Present, Future

Space Exploration

By Carolyn Collins Petersen (Edu’78; MJour’96)

(Amberley Books, 304 pages, 2017)

Humanity has always looked to the stars, but it hasn’t been until relatively recently that we have managed to travel into space. In Carolyn Collins Petersen’s (Edu’78; MJour’96) book, titled Space Explorations: Past, Present, Future, the reader is taken on a journey from the first space pioneers and their work, through the First World War led technological advances in rocketry that formed the basis for the Space Age, to the increasing corporate interest in space. Her detailed examination of human exploration of space is viewed from our potential future there – on Mars to be exact – and considers how we will reach that point. Carolyn is the CEO of Loch Ness Productions, a science education materials producer. She has written, co-authored, or edited seven books about astronomy and space exploration.