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At Homecoming 2016, a Bevy of Buffalo Brewers

Karen Hertz

Alumni beer makers to pour their favorites

After surviving melanoma and thyroidcancers in her early 30s, KarenHertz (Psych’99; MBA’05) adopted agluten-free diet as part of her treatmentplan. That meant a lot of beerswere off the menu.

“Beer is meant for certain occasions,”said Hertz, who worked for Miller-Coors for a decade. “Being a socialperson, I felt there just weren’t manygluten-free options.”

So she started making her own, andearlier this year founded Colorado’sfirst gluten-free brewery, HolidailyBrewing Co., in Golden.

Hertz will be one of at least half-a-dozen CU brewers serving samplesat Homecoming Weekend 2016. She’lljoin alumni from Sanitas, West Flanders,Fate, Ratio Beerworks, Upslopeand Bootstrap at Buffs on Tap, abeer tasting by and for alumni in theKoenig Alumni Center’s backyard. TheOct. 14 event includes a barbecue mealand costs $15.

The event is one of many festivitiesscheduled for the Oct. 13-15 reunionweekend. Others include the BuffsBash at the Lazy Dog and the annualparade and pep rally on Pearl Street.On game-day, the free, family-friendlyRalphie’s Corral tailgate will takeplace three hours before the CU versusArizona State matchup at Folsom Field.

In all, 17 reunions areplanned, including those ofthe 50-Year and Golden AnniversaryClub and the SilverBuffaloes Alumni Band.For Hertz, participatingin Buffs on Tap will be areunion of its own: Sheattended last year, just as shewas getting started.

A year later, she’s in business,offering seven beersin her Golden taproom, includingHolidaily’s flagshipFavorite Blonde Ale.

“Buffs on Tap was the firsttime I really served a beerto somebody,” she said. “It’swhere I feel like we started.”

Register for Buffs on Tap andother Homecoming-related eventsat .

Photo courtesy Karen Hertz.