Buff Beanie

From the early 1900s until sometime in the 1960s, freshmen were required to wear distinctive green caps called beanies or “dinks”until Homecoming. Victory in the annual freshman-sophomore tug-of-war across Varsity Lake allowed for an early release from the hated beanies.
Other traditions restricted freshmen from wearing high school insignia, smoking on campus and walking on any grassy area. They also were required to give upperclassmen and faculty right of way on the sidewalk, bring up the rear in any parade and carry the wood for the huge Homecoming bonfire.
Do you have your beanie and stories about your freshman experience? The Heritage Center is interested in receiving donations and hearing stories that represent CU student life.For more information e-mailmona.lambrecht@colorado.edu, visitor call 303-492-6329.
Photo courtesy Casey A. Cass