Reindeer Russia

Alexei Tsykarev Presents, Indigenous Peoples and Russia: A Struggle for Sustainable Development & Cultural Diversity

March 7, 2019

K arelian, Uilta, Mordva, Sami, Nenets, Aleut, Mari, and Evenk . These are only a few of tens of indigenous peoples living in Russia. Each maintains resilient lifeways in the face of challenges imposed by national government and global economics. Yet the struggles of indigenous peoples in Russia remain largely...

Steve Moore

Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the United States

March 1, 2019

Indigenous London

Coll Thrush Presents, Indigenous London: Native Travelers at the Heart of the Empire.

March 1, 2019

Professor Coll Thrush is a Graduate of Fairhaven College at Western Washington Univeristy and the University of Washington, Coll Thrush is professor of history at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in unceded Coast Salish territories, and associate faculty at UCB's Institute for Crtiical Indigenous Studies. He is also...

Tanaya Winder

Remember Her: We Are Still Singing

Feb. 20, 2019

Pojoaque Scott Ortman

From Collaboration to Partnerships with the Pueblo of Pojoaque

Feb. 20, 2019

Since 2014, CU and the Pueblo of Pojoaque have been partnering to expand knowledge of ancestral archaeological sites on and adjacent to Pojoaque tribal land. In this talk, I explain why the concept of partnership better-captures the approach we are taking than the related concepts of indigenous and collaborative archaeology...

Buffalo art

2019 CU Native Graduation

Feb. 12, 2019

Join us as we honor our CU Native American and Indigenous student graduates with a special ceremony and meal. RSVP is required for attendance.

FPW Logo

First Peoples Worldwide Prompts Discussion Paper from Enbridge on Indigenous Rights

Dec. 19, 2018

Jerry Jacka

Resource Conflicts and Dark and Good Times in a New Guinea Mining Area

Oct. 22, 2018

Join us for the November CNAIS Brown Bag event with Dr. Jerry Jacka, who will present his work on mining and Indigenous rights in Papua New Guinea.

edyael casaperalta

Internet Access in Indian Country

Oct. 12, 2018

Don't miss Edyael Del Carmen Casaperalta, who will present her work on internet access in Native America!

Brent Learned

A Cheyenne and Arapaho Artist's Journey with Brent Learned

Oct. 12, 2018

Join CNAIS for a presentation on Brent Learned's latest exhibitions featuring the artist himself!
