Published: Oct. 7, 2020

All indigenousÌýlanguages inÌýRussia are endangered toÌýdifferingÌýextents, and in most casesÌýtheir transmissionÌýfromÌýgeneration to another is damaged or interrupted.ÌýIndigenous language communities areÌýinterested in urgentÌýrevitalisation projects and long-term planning, while the authorities are seeking to promoteÌý«good practices» andÌý«centuries-long experience» in safeguarding linguistic diversity. ÌýKarelian,ÌýKomi, Mari,ÌýNenets, Sami and dozens of other languages will not survive without a logicalÌýand effective model forÌýcoexistence ofÌýendangered and dominant languages that includes settingÌýpriorities, restoring prestige, andÌýpromoting true revitalisation activities.ÌýAs the world prepares for the United Nation’s International Decade ofÌýIndigenous Languages 2022-2032, my research considers questions of how to make expectations a realityÌýand who should participate in language policyÌýdevelopment andÌýimplementation in Russia and beyond.
Aleksei Tsykarev