Dickson photo
PhD Student

Dickson Ogunkunle is a native of Ago-Are in the rustic Oke-Ogun area of Oyo State, Nigeria. He holds Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Communication and Language Arts from Nigeria’s premier university, University of Ibadan.

Dickson is a fellow of the Emmy Noether Research Group at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. His collaborative project with Dr Stefanie Walter of the Department of Governance at TUM, won the Global Incentive Fund initiative of the institution. On this basis, Dickson was at TUM in January 2023 as a visiting researcher, where he was one of the speakers at the Brown Bag Event of the TUM Think Tank titled “Science & Crisis Communication: Perspectives from the Global South and North”.

At different times, he has served as both teaching assistant and research assistant in the University of Ibadan. Also, he was one of the associate editors of the Research Frontiers Magazine, an annual publication of the Postgraduate College, University of Ibadan. Before relocating to Boulder, Dickson worked as a Research Associate on a collaborative project titled ARISE&WIN, which is domiciled at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. As a member of the Nigerian team, his research expertise cum communicative competence was vital to the qualitative aspect of the project.

He has a great flair for interdisciplinary research with more interest and competence in qualitative research method/design. His research cuts across Journalism, Media Studies, Development Communication and New Media, with special interest in news media representation of social actors and social realities.

He has a couple of well-researched articles in peer-reviewed journals, and his research publications are accessible online.

At his leisure time, Dickson enjoys reading and meditating.