Erin  Robinson
PhD Student
Information Science

Erin RobinsonÌýis an Information Science PhDÌýstudent and a member of theÌýÌýworking under the supervision of Prof. Leysia Palen. With her collaborators, she is co-developing and understanding knowledge infrastructures for Earth and environmental science applications to: (1) support field station researchersÌýwith better data management in theÌýÌýand (2) aide researchers using NASA Earth science data as they move analysis workflows to the Cloud in theÌý.ÌýErin is passionate about building and supporting collaborative communities. She received a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis in 2010 and focused on the integration of distributed datasets to characterize long-term transport of smoke and dust. Prior to joining the CU Information Science department, Erin was the Executive Director of the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) for six years, a nonprofit community that brings academic, industry and government data stewards together to make data more accessible. In her free time, she loves to be outside biking, trying new recipes and spending time with her family.Ìý