Published: Sept. 2, 2021

Still from Emily Van Loan's "Who Wants to Fall in Love?"Still from Erin Espelie's " 心 (Heart Radical 61)"CINE AssociateÌýProfessor Erin Espelie and CINE MFA Alumni Emily Van Loan each have a filmÌýshowing in !Ìý

The festivalÌýfeaturesÌý61 works of film and videoÌýbyÌý66 artistsÌýrepresentingÌý22 countries and territoriesÌýpresented inÌý9 curated programs. Watch Erin and Emily's work in Program 5 titledÌýinside this shared life,Ìýand it will be premiering over live streamÌýon Tuesday, September 21 7pmÌýPDT. For more information Ìý