A man working in a research lab

New materials research at CU Boulder will help develop high-efficiency solar cells

April 19, 2023

Researchers in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Program have published new findings in Joule that could lead to the development of better hybrid lead halide perovskites – a class of materials proposed for use as low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells.

Michael ToneyandRyan Haywardreceive $699,000 award from the Office of Naval Research/DoD

Oct. 20, 2022

Ryan Hayward Michael Toney Professors Michael Toney and Ryan Hayward of chemical and biological engineering and the Materials Science Engineering Program received a one-year Office of Naval Research/DoD award for $699,000 for “Small- and Wide-angle X-ray Scattering to Probe Functional Organic Materials.”

Orange crystals grown by one of Mike Tooney's undergraduate students are next to a ruler.

Work of Seth Marder, Mike Toney and Wilson Smith included in DOE's $400 million award for clean energy technologies

Sept. 29, 2022

The DOE has awarded $400 million for research into clean energy technologies and low-carbon manufacturing through 43 Energy Frontier Research Centers, six of which feature 13 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) members, including ChBE professors Seth Marder, Mike Toney and Wilson Smith. RASEI is a joint institute between CU Boulder and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.