- Utilizing experience with silty-sand gained during her PhD, April intends to focus on how to use silty-sands in the centrifuge to produce accountable results to predict the influence of this material on liquefaction; hopefully leading to incorporation into performance-based design.
- CIEST served as a resource to students in AREN 4830 (Sustainable Materials and Structures) as they designed and tested concrete mixes and considered the variable environmental impacts of their chosen materials.
- Structural assessment of cold-formed steel diaphragm assemblies was conducted in accordance with AISI S907. The cantilever-style tests were performed on 12 x 12 ft square specimens and included both static and cyclic test protocols.
- The principal objective of this project is to translate the already successful obtained laboratory results to a practice in an industrial trial jointly with Forterra, which is an international company that is dedicated to the fabrication of concrete sewer pipelines and manholes.
- The main goal of this project is to investigate how the use of compacted granular columns (CGC) may help improve the seismic performance of embankments on potentially liquefiable soils.
- The Sandia Senior Design Team were tasked to design a switch that activates at 9g as part of a cubesat subsystem for their senior design project.
- The focus of this project is to model the shear strength of concrete panels that have experienced alkali silica reaction.
- Experimental characterization of visco-elasto-plastic response of polyurethanes for damage-resistant structures
- Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2Â Storage Formation
- Experimental investigation of matrix inclusions on the fracture toughness of composite material.