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Evaluation of Hazard-Resistant Pipelines

Full Project Title: Seismic Evaluation of Hazard-Resistant Pipelines: Axial Testing of PVC, PVCO, and iPVC Pipe with Coupling


Industry Partners: East Bay Municipal Utility Department (EBMUD)

CIEST Personnel: Cory Ihnotic, David Kyle Anderson, Jessica Ramos, David Balcells, Brice Lucero, John Hindman, and co.

Primary Investigator: Prof. Brad Wham

Summary: The first in a series of testing programs at CU Boulder CIEST investigating performance of critical lifeline systems under extreme loading conditions. This study focuses on the response of various thermoplastic pipe materials and a coupling connection under externally applied axial and lateral loading.  Internally pressurized, 6 in. (150 mm) diameter specimens were tested to failure under various loading scenarios including axial tension, compression, and cyclic loading as well as transverse 4-pt bending. This project initiated the development of self-reacting test frame capable of applying dynamic tension and/or compressive loading in excess of 100,000 lbs (445 kN) to linear structures up to 12 ft (3.66 m) long. CIEST’s 1,000,000 lb (4450 kN) four-post load frame was employed to apply lateral loading.  

View the full report

Appreciation is extended to collaborators David Katzev and Timothy Harris of EBMUD for their intellectual and practical contributions to the project. 
