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Borja Franco: Race before race? Literary, Legal and Artistic Images of Moriscos in Early Modern Iberia

event flyer

TheCU Mediterranean Studies Group&The Center for Western Civilizationpresent
Prof. Borja Franco (UNED Spain)will give a research presentation“Race before race? Literary, Legal and Artistic Images of Moriscos in the Early Modern Iberia.”
With respondents Kirk Ambrose (ART),Brian A. Catlos (RLST) andFernando Loffredo (ART). Light refreshments provided.Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, staff and members of the public are welcome.

Please register in advance with Barbara Middlebrook (barbara.middlebrook@colorado.edu)

Support provided by Religious Studies, Jewish Studies, Humanities,the Center for Western Civilization, Classics, History, French & Italian, Asian Languages and Civilizations,Spanish and Portuguese, Philosophy, Art and Art History, and the College of Arts & Sciences.Administrative support provided by Religious Studies.
for further information.