Michael Franc: The Demographics of Red and Blue America (November 29, 2017)

The Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy presents:
The Demographics of Red and Blue America
Wednesday, 11/29/2017
Hales Sciences 230
In order to ensure we have enough seating for this event,Ìý
Michael Franc is the Hoover Institution’s director of DC programs, where he oversees research and outreach initiatives to promote ideas and scholarship in our nation’s capital. He holds a dual appointment as a research fellow. Mike Franc is a longtime veteran of Washington, DC policymaking.Ìý
Prior to joining Hoover, Franc served as policy director and counsel for House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. He also served as the Vice President of government relations for the Heritage Foundation from 1997-2013. During this time he managed all the think tank’s outreach with Capitol Hill and the Executive Branch.Ìý
He also completed a tour of duty as communications director for former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) and worked for the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of National Drug Control Policy. He has been quoted widely in the print and broadcast media, and was a regular contributor to The National Review Online and other publications.
Franc has a BA from Yale University and a JD from Georgetown University.
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The Center for Western Civilization, Thought & Policy
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Campus Parking Map:Ìý
(Parking lots 254 and 260 will be closest in proximity to the event)