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The lasting applicability of supply-side economics

This coming week, on Wed. Feb. 17 and then on Thurs.Ìýthe 18th, the Conservative Thought and Policy lecture series presents two events. On the 17th, I myself shall give a public lecture, on the acute and ever-growing need for absorbing the historical lessons of supply-side economics, that of the Reagan Revolution,Ìýin our agonizingly sluggish and underperforming economy. The venue is Benson Earth Sciences 180 and time 7pm.Ìý

On the heels of this event, 24 hours later, on Thursday the 18th at 7pm, in Hale 270, Lily Williams will discuss the harrowing experience of growing up in Mao's Cultural Revolution. Lily is rightly concerned, in this "feel the Bern" (as in Sanders) wave that we see this election season in young people, that Americans have become too un-acquainted with the failures (and worse) of socialism and its devolutions into Communism. Lily is also the libertarian candidate for Senate.

The goal, the Aristotelian telos of this nation, is for all to live well--very well--in prosperity. Distressing as it has been not to shake the after-effects of the Great Recession, and to have our economy persist in its low-employment, debt-ridden state, it will do us well to remember that this situation comes unnaturally to this country. The standard experience of the American people is of opportunity and success. The strong, repeated tendency of this nation is to grow and grow abundantly. We shall have the chance to discuss these matters on the 17th and 18th.ÌýYesterday, on Forbes.com, I harkened back to the last time we had the opportunity to fix a major economic mess:

