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Voices: How eviction threats led Peggy Kuhn on the path to activism

Peggy Kuhn stands in her back yard with her manufactured home behind her.

Peggy Kuhn stands in her backyard at Sans Souci Mobile Home Park, located in unincorporated Boulder County, Colorado.

Peggy Kuhn became anÌýactivist the dayÌýtwo of her neighbors were threatened with eviction.Ìý After an August 2018 purchase of the Sans Souci Mobile Home Park by a large corporation, Kuhn'sÌýtwo neighborsÌýwere given four days to cleanÌýtheir decks, paint the exterior of their homes, remove weeds, prepare soil andÌýinstall grass in their yards.ÌýÌýOne of the residents utilizedÌýoxygen for heart issues and had lived in the park 42Ìýyears; the other, who had lived at Sans Souci more than 50 years, had retired early due to health problems.

"You could see the stress in the residents' faces,"Ìýsaid Kuhn, 67, a former program analyst who was laid off during the pandemic.Ìý "It hurt toÌýsee seniors verbally threatened and be stressed out that they were going to lose their homes–when their homes were probably the only thing of value inÌýtheir lives."

KuhnÌýformed a neighborhood group of volunteers to help the neighborÌýwho would acceptÌýhelp. The groupÌýpainted his home, pulled weeds and installed sod in his yard, but theÌýhomeowner, who is on a fixed income, was not reimbursed for materials.Ìý

Another pathway to eviction
Immediately prior to the sale of Sans Souci, lot rents wereÌýraised 6 percent, whereas for decades the increase had beenÌý2 to 3 percent per year. Since then theÌýnew owners have implementedÌýa 12 percent annual lot rental increase. ResidentsÌýon fixed incomes are strugglingÌýtoÌýpay their lot rents, Kuhn said.

Kuhn said the new owners' "welcome pack"Ìýincluded 12 pages of rules, including requiring residents to plant lush lawnsÌýand onlyÌýpainting homesÌýwith approved colors. The rulesÌýincludedÌýa 9 p.m. park curfew. Workers could enter privateÌýyards at any time and charge residents for the work. The rules also stated that anyone breaking more than two rules would be evicted.

Although the residentsÌýwere outraged, those wantingÌýto leaveÌýcould not afford the roughly $20,000 it would cost to move their homes.

"Immediately eviction became a huge fear in the park," said Kuhn, who began a path of advocacy that included helping to start an HOA.

Kuhn and other HOA resident members and board membersÌýmetÌýwith city and county officials and legal advocates. The residents learned it was common for corporate-owned park management companies to treat residents poorly, Kuhn said.ÌýIndividual residents were encouraged to work with Boulder County Legal AidÌýand attendÌýa "Know your Rights" workshop organizedÌýby a group of attorneysÌýand county officials. Because of the HOA members' advocacy, Boulder County Commissioners sent a warning to the mobile home park's management company, which resulted in a few rules lifted, includingÌýthe curfew. The other senior threatened with eviction had becomeÌýactive in the HOA group; sheÌýwas not evicted.Ìý

Tips to Avoid Eviction

Evictions from MH parks are traumatic for residents and can result inÌýlifelong repercussions, including permanent homelessness. Peggy Kuhn offers residents the following tips to help neighbors avoid eviction:


  • Take the time to get to know your neighbors.
  • Realize that some neighborsÌýwho need help,Ìýespecially seniors or those with disabilitiesÌýor mental illnesses,ÌýmightÌýnot reachÌýout. They may be feeling overwhelmed or in denial.
  • Ask your neighbors specific questions about where they are in the eviction process.Ìý
  • Offer to becomeÌýa third-partyÌýwitness to assist in explaining lengthy legal documents and their ramifications. Helping neighborsÌýbefore the eviction has progressed to the courtsÌýmay result in an agreement being reached between the resident and landlord instead of eviction.Ìý

"All the other parkÌýresidentsÌýtalkedÌýabout the same things happening," Kuhn said.Ìý"Vulnerable people were being taken advantage of and threatened with eviction. The ownersÌýwould evict the older residents, get rid of their homes and thenÌýwould put in a new mobile home and rent it.ÌýMyÌýheart just went out to these people who lost their homes."Ìý

    Interested in expanding her efforts for better protections for park residents,ÌýKuhn joined the Colorado Coalition of Manufactured Home Owners (CoCoMHO) as it was forming.Ìý CoCoMHO'sÌýstatewide organization helps mobile home residents understand their rights and helped pass several bills that focus on the rights of Colorado's mobile home park residents.ÌýShe has since stepped down from the organization for health and personal issues.

    Kuhn worries about her own future in Sans Souci. She purchased her 1996 manufactured home 14 years ago with the idea thatÌýliving at the mobile home park would be affordable throughout her future retirement.

    "But at 12 percent a year rent raises compounded, I won't be able to afford that as a senior with a fixed income," Kuhn said.ÌýÌý"I don't know what I will do. I will probably move somewhere cheaper."

    Kuhn is one of the "lucky" ones. Those owningÌýhomes manufactured before 1976 cannot sell them due to regulations by the State of Colorado'sÌýDivision of Housing’s Building Codes & Standards. Still, she would rather stay in her home than move.

    "I would lose the community and the friendships," Kuhn said.

      Read more stories from the "Voices" collection.
