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Meeting Minutes 02/28/22


  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

    1. Present: Anuja, August, Teagan, Bailey, Allie, Taylor, Josh, Cole, Inji, Apoorva, Sydney, Aneesh

    2. Tardy: Maya

    3. Absent: Crisol

    4. Excused: 


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business 

    1. Welcome, new members!

      1. Sydney and Apoorva - what are your CU email addresses?

        1. apka8010@colorado.edu

        2. syda9851@colorado.edu

    2. Simu Liu Event Reflection

      1. Positives

        1. Sold out!

        2. Moderators were very good

        3. People had fun - audience was engaged

        4. Entrance was very smooth/efficient

        5. Simu Liu had a good time - stayed an hour over

        6. Reception was well put-together

      2. Improvements

        1. What to do about the wifi?

          1. Contingency plan for wifi going out

          2. Maybe buying a min hotspot

        2. CEB and DSB should each buy an iPad/Tablet that we take care of

          1. Solves Surface-related problems

        3. Communication (both with DSB and internally amongst CEB)

          1. Use Slack for future collaborations

        4. For future collaborations, meet ASAP with the collaborating party to set up expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page.

          1. Helps stop too many people from all trying to do one thing

        5. Perhaps asking Collaborating parties to set up liaisons to the Speakers/Assistant Speakers Coordinators.

          1. Will streamline our channel of communication with any future collaborators.

        6. Make clear expectations as to what constitutes making enough of an effort to “earn” the “rewards” of hosting a speaker/event.

          1. What to do about liaisons

            1. Set up clear expectations for what we expect of them to be able to reap the same benefits as active board members.

            2. If the expectations are clear then it makes communicating them much easier.

        7. Reminder: all of our events end in a post-event briefing.

      3. Pictures: Have been uploaded -- to the

        1. Erin will upload ones from her phone at the reception later this evening

    3. AR Logistics

      1. Presentation


    4. Global Summit - Erin 

      1. United Nations Human Rights

      2. /globalclimatesummit 

      3. December 1-4, 2022

  2. Old Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Middle Eastern Student Association, “Middle East Night,” February 19th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Rec Center

        1. Update on funding problems?

        2. Reach out to let them know that they need to communicate with their liaisons about any problems that they encounter.

          1. They cannot communicate with friends on the board instead of their assigned liaisons

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Volunteers Around the World “Culture Day,” March 7th, 2022 in ECCR 1B40

        1. Bailey & Aneesh

        2. Updates:

          1. Meeting with Jamey went well

          2. Need to get their marketing to us ASAP otherwise it’ll never go out in time.

        3. Who will be attending?

  1. Sigma Psi Zeta “Culture Shock: Remember Your Roots,” March 5th, 2022 @7:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

    1. Teagan & Cole

    2. Updates:

      1. Additional funding request for parking and green room stuff

      2. Parking?

        1. I also wasn't able to reach out to parking services yet, but I met up with Alexis to talk about saving parking spaces for the headliners. I know Luna's group needs 2 parking spaces reserved, and for WOTW I believe they might need 2 as well. I don't know if it'd be easier to get them temporary day permits as they will be coming to campus 2 separate times or to have CU parking send us an invoice? 2 temporary permits would be 20$.

    3. Who will be attending?

      1. Teagan 

      2. Allie - maybe

      3. Bailey - maybe

      4. Sydney

      5. Inji

    4. Motion to approve Sigma Psi Zeta $11.67 for water.

      1. 8 - 0 - 0

      2. Motion Passes

  1. Fifth Funding Cycle

    1. TEDxCU “Breaking Boundaries,” April 2nd, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in Macky Auditorium

      1. Josh

      2. Updates:

        1. No updates

    2. International Festival “IFest 2022,” April 10th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

      1. Anuja & Cole

      2. Updates:

        1. No updates

    3. Graduate Musicology Society “Samba Workshop,” April 8th, 2022, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Kittredge Central

      1. Bailey

      2. Updates:

        1. The events manager asked Lydia to reserve 2 rooms rather than 1 like they had originally planned. This would be an additional $37.85. 

        2. *Email Jamey re: funding

    4. VeRVE Collisionz “VeRVE Collisionz Competition,” April 23rd, 2022, 6:30 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

      1. Maya

      2. Updates:

        1. Meeting with Jamey went well

        2. They might need to request extra funding because of an old quote they found out had increased 

          1. Either would request emergency funding or reallocating funds

    5. Psychedelic Club “Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium,” April 15th @ 4:00 PM to April 16th @ 6:00 PM, 2022, Norlin Quad and Zoom

      1. Aneesh & Inji

      2. Updates:

        1. Meeting scheduled on Friday @ 11:30-12:30

    6. South Asian Student Association “SASA Show 2022,” April 16th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, CU Recreation Center (Lower Court)

      1. Anuja & Jemil

      2. Updates:

        1. No updates

    7. CU Breaking Club  “Rockers Rumble 14,” April 2nd, 2022, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Muenzinger Psychology

      1. Teagan

      2. Updates:

        1. No updates

    8. Hillel “Israel Fest 2022,” April 7th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Farrand Field

      1. Anuja & Allie

      2. Updates:

        1. Haven’t heard anything since the last email Allie sent about not being able to fund a potential singer until there’s a quote

    9. Nepalese Student Association “Nepal Night: Expedition to the Himalayas,” April 15th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room

      1. Anuja & Teagan

      2. Updates:

        1. No updates

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. HR Updates: 

        1. Erin and Alexis are waiting on ratification letters from CUSG for Aneesh, Allie, Cole and Taylor. Erin followed up with Megen again today asking for them. Alexis went ahead and started the process without them and we will see how far we can get without them. - Please continue to track your hours if you are hourly.

        2. Maya - you got an email from Erin with an update on your pay. Good news, you’re getting paid this pay cycle! 

        3. Bailey - sent you an email with what Erin still needs from me 

        4. That should be all of the updates --- anyone we’re missing? 

      2. CEB Email account has been updated per campus OIT requirements for all accounts to update passwords. Erin emailed Anuja and Teagan with an updated password for the account. 

    2. Leg Council

      1. Absent

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Absent

    4. GPSG Liaison

      1. Absent

    5. Finance Board Liaison

      1. Absent

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Working on slideshow for AR

      2. AR posters are done, approved, and sent out 

      3. Met w/Taylor for AR marketing

      4. Meeting w/John from CSI for marketing spiel

      5. Still looking at retreat stuff

      6. Still working on merch and swag

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Great job for Simu!!

      2. Please make sure to check the ROD for Angelica

      3. If you’re interested in Speakers Coordinator, please reach out! My number is at the end of minutes

    8. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Do we have a timeline for when elections will be?

      2. Need to find date for new member orientation

      3. New password for the email account

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Created Angelica

        1. Everyone please sign up for roles

      2. Reception food  

      3. Questions created 

    10. Webmaster

      1. Minutes updated

      2. Need headshots from Shubham and Inji 

    11. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Fast facts with AR on social media 

      2. Do we use #AnEveningWithAngelicaRoss or a different # for social media??? 

        1. I feel like “An Evening With” is kinda our brand though

    12. Secretary/Historian

      1. Working on documents that track our agreements with different orgs.

        1. Stops situations like Hillel and NSA from occurring again and again.

      2. Work with Alexis/Anuja to create a document that goes over common mistakes orgs make and rules they need to follow with us

      3. Reminder for New Associates 

        1. Please try your best to show up on time!

        2. You get three excused absences a semester (need to notify me and Anuja)

          1. Make sure they are logical

          2. Emergencies are always excused → Do not bother reaching out just do what you need to be safe

        3. Tardies → try to be on time

          1. More than 10 mins late == unexcused absence

          2. 3 tardies == unexcused absence

        4. Unexcused Absences

          1. First → Email from me as a reminder.

          2. Second → Meeting with Anuja and Aneesh.

          3. Third → Formation of a retention committee culminating in a majority vote on your continuation on CEB.

      4. When should I start tracking Ornella’s attendance again?

      5. Cookies :) 

    13. Chair

      1. Let’s be on top of it for Angelica Ross!

      2. Those of you who haven’t gotten paid, please put your names below. I’m going to email the Director of SAHR, after which I will escalate the situation to Legislative Council, if necessary.

        1. Aneesh 

        2. Taylor McCormick 

        3. Cole

        4. Allie

  2. Adjourn

    1. 9:24 PM