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Meeting Minutes 01/24/22

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

    1. Present: Teagan, Anuja, Shubham, Aneesh, Jemil, Bailey, Allie, Taylor, Josh, Maya, Cole, Inji, Tania, Meha

    2. Absent: 

    3. Tardy:

    4. Excused:


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Welcome back, everyone!

      1. Please don’t vote until after each organization has presented.

    2. Liaison Assignments - a liaison is the point of contact (required to attend event)

      1. TEDxCU, April 2nd

        1. Josh

      2. International Festival, April 10th

        1. Anuja

        2. Cole

      3. Graduate Musicology Society, April 8th

        1. Bailey

      4. VeRVE Collisionz, April 23rd

        1. Maya 

      5. Psychedelic Club, April 15th-16th

        1. Aneesh

        2. Inji

      6. SASA, April 16th

        1.  Allie

      7. Breaking Club, April 2nd 

        1. Teagan

      8. Hillel, April 7th

        1. Taylor 

      9. NSA, April 15th

        1. Anuja

        2. Teagan 

    3. NSA Budget

      1. Missed initial deadline and extended deadline

      2. Asking us to hear a 15-16k budget.

        1. Discussion Tabled until after other budget hearings.

      3. Vote to hear NSA’s budget hearing

        1. Vote  passes 10-0-1

      4. NSA “Nepal Night,” 

        1. Notes

          1. Nepal Night has been a historically impactful and successful event.

          2. Going to have a photo booth

          3. Going to have a Himalayan backdrop

          4. Going to have a Red Carpet

          5. Food

            1. Going through UMC catering

          6. Performers 

            1. TK

        2. Questions

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. CEB does not fund photo booths

          2. How is a red carpet culturally significant/relevant to Nepal 

          3. Your deadline for getting us all your quotes is Friday. Based on what you have said so far, you have a lot of things “in the talks” but not a lot of things finalized.

    4. Third Funding Cycle

      1. 7:15 PM - TEDxCU “Breaking Boundaries,” April 2nd, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in Macky Auditorium

        1. Notes

          1. Goal is to connect communities between campus and the greater Boulder/Denver area.

          2. History of over 10 years

            1. Fully licensed by TED

          3. Seen a steady increase  in viewership over the years

            1. Projected to have about ~900 people attending

          4. Budget:

            1. Macky (Tentative): $9,210.30

            2. Stage Design/Equipment: $1,400.00

              1. Danny Rankin

            3. Videographers: $12,000.00

              1. Inclusive of cameras and people to run them

            4. Non-Stage Decorations: $700.00

            5. Total: $23,310.30

        2. Questions

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please make sure you have an updated quote for Macky by next week.

          2. Please note that CEB does not usually fund promotional items to give out to attendees (falls under “gifts”). 

          3. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed culturally relevant and necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus.

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for TEDxCU “Breaking Boundaries,”

          2. 11 - 0 - 0

      2. 7:30 PM - International Festival “IFest 2022,” April 10th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Notes

          1. International festival has been at CU since 1989

          2. Biggest student-run event at CU

          3. 1000-2000 guests

          4. 20-30 booths representing nations and communities

            1. Each Booth has:

              1. At least 6 pictures related to their country or culture

              2. Phrase Poster

              3. One interactive activity

              4. May also include food

          5. 15-20 performances

          6. Goals for this IF:

            1. Continue standardizing cultural booths

            2. Improve participant interaction

              1. Travel diary

              2. Workshop-style booths

          7. What they need:

            1. Venue:

              1. Glenn-Miller Ballroom

            2. Equipment Rentals

              1. Provided by Glenn-Miller

            3. Food 

              1. Will be provided by the UMC

            4. Performance fees

              1. Two professional groups that will be attending

            5. Advertising Budget

              1. Tabling

              2. Social Media

          8. Plan of Action

            1. Recruitment:

              1. Performers

            2. Fundraising

            3. Finalizing Graphics amd Surveys

            4. Polishing out other details

        2. Questions

          1. Did you get your quotes for print-outs from CSI?

            1. Yes

          2. You responded “unsure” to bringing an international individual. Are there any updates on this?

            1. Not bringing an international individual

          3. Many of your acts are from South Asian/East Asian cultures. Do you have plans to outreach to cultural clubs beyond these regions?

            1. Will send Anuja a complete list of clubs (which do include clubs outside of the Asia-Pacific region)

            2. What metric is used to see if a group qualifies to hold a booth at the event?

              1. Need to ensure fairness amongst all cultures/communities

        3. Budgetary Notes

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for  International Festival “IFest 2022,”

          2. 11 - 0 - 0

      3. 7:45 PM - Graduate Musicology Society “Samba Workshop,” April 8th, 2022, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Kittredge Central

        1. Notes

          1. Asking for funding for a Samba Workshop

            1. Two Hours

              1. 1- Percussion Workshop

              2. 2- Dance Workshop

          2. Projected Attendance of about 30 people

          3. Want to partner with a group

            1. Colorado Samba Association

          4. Currently planned for April 

          5. Budget:

            1. Group booking fee - $800.00

            2. Booking fee for room in Kittredge - $130.00

              1. “Kittredge Central N114 Multipurpose D”

              2. Large enough for movement and for Covid-19 protocols

        2. Questions

          1. What room in Kittredge Central did you all rent?

        3. Budgetary Notes

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Graduate Musicology Society “Samba Workshop,”

          2. In favor - Abstain - Negation

      4. 8:00 PM - VeRVE Collisionz “VeRVE Collisionz Competition,” April 23rd, 2022, 6:30 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Notes

          1. Street Dance competition

          2. 13th annual event, one of the only events for street dance in CO

          3. Purpose

            1. “This performance would help to educate the community on street styles and provide local street dance crews with an opportunity to perform after a long hiatus.”

          4. Projected Attendance: 800 people

          5. Bringing in a professional team called “Str8jacket” 

          6. Bringing in a DJ

            1. Queer, latin poet. Will also be performing poetry as well. 

          7. Budget Items:

            1. Venue: $2,440.00

              1. Glenn-Miller Ballroom

              2. Aspen Rooms

            2. Security: $769.00

              1. Two CUPD officers

            3. Advertising: $200.00

              1. Posters/Flyers

              2. Social Media

            4. Performers: $6,500.00

              1. Str8jacket

            5. Parking: $100

              1. We do not fund parking

        2. Questions

          1. What time is your event? Your budget request says 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM.

            1. 6:30 PM

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please note that if any of your paid speakers or performers are students, we will require documentation of their credentials.

          2. Please note that CEB does not usually fund promotional items, like gift baskets, to give out to attendees (falls under “gifts”). 

          3. CEB does not fund parking.

          4. Up-to-date budget on Presence is $11,331

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for  VeRVE Collisionz “VeRVE Collisionz Competition,”

          2. 11 - 0 - 0

      5. 8:15 PM - Psychedelic Club “Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium,” April 15th @ 4:00 PM to April 16th @ 6:00 PM, 2022, Norlin Quad and Zoom

        1. Notes

          1. Broken up into two days

            1. Day 1: Community Event

              1. Build community understanding through art

                1. Budget Items

                  1. Canvas

                  2. Sharpies

                  3. Food

                  4. DJ Ryan Terpstra

            2. Day 2: Symposium Event

              1. Online due to COVID guidelines

                1. Very successful last year

                2. Budget Items

                  1. Advertising

                  2. Guest Speaker: Dr. Bidwell

          2. Total Funds: $1,924.00

        2. Questions

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed culturally relevant and necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus.

          2. Please note that if any of your paid speakers or performers are students, we will require documentation of their credentials - Ryan Terpstra.

          3. Stickers are cool but I’m not sure off the top of my head what the policy on stickers is.

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Psychedelic Club “Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium,”

          2. 11 - 0 - 0

      6. 8:30 PM - South Asian Student Association “SASA Show 2022,” April 16th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, CU Recreation Center (Lower Court)

        1. Notes

          1. SASA has the aim of spreading South Asian culture and heritage. 

          2. Budget Items:

            1. Booked the lower Rec Centre

            2. Program Council for Stage and Lighting

            3. Stand-up comedian: Neel Nanda

            4. Bawarchi’s for food

            5. Decoration and Costumes

            6. Total: $18,882.25

              1. Will send us full quotes in an email

        2. Questions

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please ensure you have updated quotes and documentation before next Monday.

          2. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed culturally relevant and necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus.

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for

          2. In favor - Abstain - Negation

      7. 8:45 PM - CU Breaking Club  “Rockers Rumble 14,” April 2nd, 2022, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Muenzinger Psychology

        1. Notes

          1. Rockers Rumble is a national breakdancing competition

            1. Free to spectate, pay to participate

            2. Will feature 1v1 and 3v3 battles

          2. Will also facilitate workshops that are held by professional dance studios

          3. Budget Breakdown

            1. Judges:

              1. Dash - $500

              2. Bowzee - $500

              3. Logistix - paid for by Redbull

              4. Angyil - paid for by  Redbull

            2. DJs

            3. Total for DJ/Judge: $3,301.00

            4. Accommodations for Judges

            5. Gas and Transport fees

            6. Technology (A/V system) - Program Council

            7. Parking 

            8. Security - two officers

            9. Advertising and Logo

            10. Venue:

              1. Muenzinger Courtyard

              2. Need Linoleum Mats for the dance battles 

          4. How are they planning to pay respect to Hip Hop culture

            1. Plan to focus on women and are bringing women who have recently become very successful in the community.

        2. Questions

          1. The budget form says your event is in Muenzinger but your spreadsheets say “UMC rental.” Can you explain the discrepancy?

          2. Thinking of COVID-19 regarding flights and travel…

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. If you charge for participation, the Board receives all revenue up to the funded amount of the event. After this point, the Board determines how to split revenue with the student organization.

          2. Please ensure you have updated quotes and documentation before next Monday.

          3. Are we allowed to fund the dance mat if they’re going to donate it?

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

          1. Is your event 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM or have you just booked the space for that time period?

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Breaking Club  “Rockers Rumble 14,”

          2. 11 - 0 - 0

      8. 9:00 PM - CU Boulder Hillel “Israel Fest 2022,” April 7th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Farrand Field

        1. Notes

          1. Event that aims to simulate the feeling of being in Israel

            1. Art

            2. Music

            3. Food

            4. Atmosphere 

          2. Entertainment:

            1. Singer

              1. Also has a crew

            2. DJ

            3. Sound Equipment

          3. Security

            1. Six officers

          4. Stations/Booths

            1. Welcome booth

            2. B4I (Buffs for Israel)

            3. Artists for Israel

              1. Spray Painted shirts

              2. Gallery of art about Israel

            4. Birth Right

            5. Chabad 

            6. Camera Booth

            7. CUFI - Christians United for Israel

            8. Henna Tattoo

            9. JNF - Jewish National Fund

            10. Mesa

            11. Onward

            12. Passage Israel

            13. And more…

          5. Food - $16,884.00

            1. Bamba

            2. Coffee

            3. Israeli Chocolate

            4. Ice cream

            5. Napkins

            6. Water

            7. Restaurants

              1. Ali Baba

              2. ’K

              3. Falafel King

          6. Expected Turnout of 1,000 people

        2.  Questions

          1. Will your performer be flying in from overseas?

          2. Your budget for food ($16,884) is very large. How will you ensure that food waste is minimized?

          3. You guys are expecting a large student turnout, what are you doing to ensure the turnout you are expecting from a marketing standpoint? 

        3. Budgetary Notes 

          1. Please ensure you have updated quotes and documentation before next Monday (e.g. the quote for stands/stations).

          2. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed culturally relevant and necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus.

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

          1. What do you specifically mean by Frats?

          2. How will you keep the focus on Israeli culture that includes all of the many demographics included in Israel.

          3. Political aspect of the event - Carefully considering each stand/station’s participation

          4. How is inviting frats going to be beneficial to your event and what is the purpose? Who will these orgs include?

          5. How can we make sure the event is meaningful and educational for students and that attendance is not just solely based on free food?

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to table the mission statement alignment for Hillel “Israel Fest 2022”

            1. Motion Passes

          2. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Boulder Hillel “Israel Fest 2022,”

            1. In favor - Abstain - Negation

      9. 9:30 PM - Nepali Student Association “Nepal Night: Expedition to the Himalayas,” April 15th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room

        1. Notes

          1. Nepal Night has been a historically impactful and successful event.

          2. Going to have a photo booth

          3. Going to have a Himalayan backdrop

          4. Going to have a Red Carpet

          5. Food

            1. Going through UMC catering

          6. Performers 

            1. TK

        2.  Questions

          1. This budget request was submitted late and your overall track record indicates a pattern of doing things last minute. How will you keep this from happening in the future?

            1. This ultimately impacts the office of CSI and leads to our staff having to put in extra, unexpected hours.

          2. How will you make sure that you are in communication to avoid confusion and miscommunication with the board, campus vendors and CSI?

          3. Are all your quotes up-to-date?

            1. UMC catering quotes are needed - they have communicated with EP&C to come up with a menu

          4. Your deadline for getting us all your quotes is Friday. Based on what you have said so far, you have a lot of things “in the talks” but not a lot of things finalized.

        3. Budgetary Notes 

          1. Please ensure you have updated quotes and documentation before next Monday.

        4. Discussion

        5. To-Send Notes/Questions

          1. Please ensure your performer quote + documentation is submitted by Friday at 5:00 PM. 

          2. Please submit your budget to Presence as soon as possible + before the meeting next Monday. 

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for

          2. In favor - Abstain - Negation

  2. Old Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. CU Gaming “Press Start to Continue,” January 28th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Anuja & Allie

        2. Updates:

          1. Approved advertising

        3. Who’s attending?

          1. Teagan

          2. Jemil

      2. Asian Studies Graduate Association “2022 CU Asian Studies Graduate Association (CUBASGA) Conference,” February 19th–20th, 2022, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM via Zoom

        1. Need another liaison to help Taylor

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates!

      3. Middle Eastern Student Association, “Middle East Night,” February 19th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Rec Center

        1. Teagan & Josh

        2. Updates:

          1. Hopefully they are going to send us advertising soon. I’ll send a follow up email soon. 

          2. What is going on with the belly dancer down payment?

            1. Meeting about it (can do it)

          3. Program Council price increased from what we originally funded. 

            1. Originally was $8,134.00 and now is $9,334.00

        3. Motion to approve $1,200.00 extra to cover Program Council costs for MESA’s event “Middle East Night.”

          1. 12 - 2 - 0

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Volunteers Around the World “Culture Day,” March 7th, 2022 in ECCR 1B40

        1. Bailey & Aneesh

        2. Updates:

          1. I emailed them last week but didn't get a reply. I will reach out to them again – hopefully they’ll notice this email now that they are back on campus.

  1. Sigma Psi Zeta “Culture Shock: Remember Your Roots,” March 5th, 2022 in Glenn Miller Ballroom

    1. Teagan & Cole

    2. Updates:

      1. Everything is going well. They have been doing/already did auditions. Will send a follow-up email again to check-in 

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Updates on hiring for those impacted - Check email, please respond as soon as possible

      2. Presence troubles - Contact Alexis or CSI Finance


    2. Leg Council

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. MCAC is up and running, looking for voting members!

    4. GPSG Liaison

      1. No updates

    5. Finance Board Liaison

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Finishing up marketing materials for SL event

      2. Recruitment materials are finished

        1. Social media

        2. Tabling

        3. Dept. email distribution will be out soon

      3. Currently working on merch :)

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. February Event: SL collab with DSB

        1. Estimated announcement for Feb. 2nd

        2. We need to figure out who is coming (from ceb/dsb) to the reception/potential dinner

      2. March Event

        1. AR is confirmed!

    8. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Recruitment

        1. Involvement Fair

          1. February 2 from 11:00AM – 2:00PM MST in the Glenn Miller

        2. Timeline

          1. Started today?

          2. Applications due February 11th

          3. Review applications February 14th

          4. Interviews February 21st

        3. Need to post consistently on social media

        4. Tableing?

        5. I have already sent emails to our student orgs to let them know that we are accepting applications. 

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. Decided to hold a showing of Shang Chi before the Simu Liu speakers event. 

    10. Webmaster

      1.  No updates 

    11. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Meeting with Allie and Teagan tomorrow at 2:30 to discussion marketing strategy

      2. Starting to advertise for SL 

    12. Secretary/Historian

      1. Just wondering if there are any updates regarding the hiring process

    13. Chair

      1. Working on SL and AR

  2. Adjourn

    1. 11:00 PM