- Assistant Professor

- B.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2012)
- M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D. Yale University (2017)
Honors and Distinctions:
- CU Boulder CEAS Junior Faculty Dean's Performance Award, 2023
- Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship,2018
- American Chemical Society Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry,2016
- Best Presentation Award, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Conference,2015
- Presentation Competition Winner, Yale University Robert M. Langer Symposium,2013
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship,2012
- Central States Water and Environment Association Award,2012
- Wilfred F. and Ruth Davison Langelier Scholarship,2011
Recent Publications:
- Lee, J., Straub, A.P., Elimelech, M. “Vapor-gap membranes for highly selective osmotically driven desalination.” Journal of Membrane Science 555, 407-417 (2018)
- Deshmukh, A., Boo, C., Karanikola, V., Lin, S., Straub, A.P., Tong, T., Warsinger, D.M., Elimelech, M. “Membrane Distillation at the Water-Energy Nexus: Limits, Opportunities, and Challenges.” Energy & Environmental Science 11, 1177-1196 (2018)
- Rahimi, M., Straub, A.P., Zhang, F., Zhu, X., Elimelech, M., Gorski, C. A., Logan, B.E. “Emerging Electrochemical and Membrane-Based Systems to Convert Low-Grade Heat to Electricity.” Energy & Environmental Science 11, 276-285 (2017).
- Straub, A.P., Elimelech, M. “Energy Efficiency and Performance Limiting Effects in Thermo-Osmotic Energy Conversion from Low-Grade Heat.” Environmental Science & Technology 51, 12925-12931 (2017).
- Straub, A.P., Yip, N.Y., Lin, S., Lee, J., Elimelech, M. “Harvesting Low-Grade Heat Energy Using Thermo-Osmotic Vapour Transport Through Nanoporous Membranes.” Nature Energy 1, Article Number: 16090 (2016).
- Straub, A. P., Deshmukh, A., Elimelech, M. “Pressure-Retarded Osmosis for Power Generation from Salinity Gradients: Is It Viable?” Energy & Environmental Science 9, 31-48 (2016).