Part of the Waging Peace in Vietnam Exhibit and Events

November 6, 5:00-7:00PM
Humanities 250

War does not end when the last shots are fired. The Vietnamese population, as well as American soldiers and their families, continue to this day to bear the costs of war. This panel will investigate consequences of the war in Vietnam and efforts to mitigate those impacts. 

  • Steven Dike, Arts and Sciences Honors Program, CU Boulder, Moderator
  • Five-Minute film on Project RENEW featuring Ho Van Lai, victim of unexploded cluster bomb.
  • ​Heather Bowser, Daughter of Vietnam Veteran exposed to Agent Orange; founder and director of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, comprising more than 5,000 American children survivors of Agent Orange.
  • Susan Hammond, Founder and Executive Director, War Legacies Project
  • Linda J. Yarr, Research Affiliate, Center for Asian Studies, CU Boulder

Waging Peace events are co-sponsored by University Libraries, the Applied History Initiative, and the Department of History in addition to the Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia (PISA)