CAS Event Funding Procedures

CAS is currently revising event applicatuon procedures and forms. Please check back in early August for the updated information and new procedures. 

Please contact Liza Williams ( if you have any questions.

Information about inviting non-US Citizen/Permanent Resident as guest speakers

Honorarium – Honorarium may be paid to visitors possessing a B-1(Visitor for Business) visa or its equivalent waiver status if 9/5/6 Rule* is met. Honorarium may be paid to visitors possessing a B-2 (Visitor for Tourism) visa or its equivalent waiver status if 9/5/6 Rule* is met AND the event is NOT pre-planned.  Since all CAS-funded events are pre-planned, visitors must have a B-1 visa or its equivalent waiver status in order to be paid an honorarium.

Travel reimbursements – Travel reimbursements may be paid to visitors possessing a B-1(Visitor for Business) visa or its equivalent waiver status. Travel reimbursements may be paid to visitors possessing a B-2 (Visitor for Tourism) visa or its equivalent waiver status if 9/5/6 Rule* is met AND international travel is not involved (i.e. if the visitor is already in the US). Visitors must have a B-1 visa or its equivalent waiver status in order to be paid for airfare that involves an international travel. For visa types other than B-1/W-B/B-2/W-T and further information please contact International Tax Specialists in the office of Payroll and Benefits Services, Kendra Zafiratos (303-735-5534, for inquires related to visas types A through L) or Alicia Dandeneau (303-735-0816, for inquiries related to visa types M through Z). All payments to non US citizens/residents will involve extensive paperwork. Applicants are required to provide relevant documents to CAS in a timely manner.

*9/5/6 Rule: (a) the visitor is engaged in the activity being compensated for any portion of nine days or fewer AND (b) the visitor has not been paid or reimbursed by more than 5 institutions or organizations during the past six months

This information is provided as a service, but is subject to change and verification by the international tax specialists. 

International Travel:

All international travel paid for by a Department of Education grant (our primary source of event funding) must be approved by the Department of Education in advance of ticket purchase. This requires several weeks of lead time, so apply early!


Our primary source of event funding cannot pay for food or be transferred. If your event is to include food or catering, please consider an additional source of funding for that part of the event. 

Publicizing non-CAS events:

Information about "non-CAS events" (events not sponsored by CAS) may now be included in our monthly event digest and posted on our website's bulletin board. The CAS monthly digest is sent out at the beginning of each month to those on our listserve and provides detailed information about CAS sponsored events for the following weeks. The addition of non-CAS events to our event digest is designed to help our faculty promote Asia-related events that may be of interest to those subscribing to our email list.

If you would like CAS to include a NON-CAS sponsored event on our website and in our event digest, please send information (date, time, location, contact for questions and a short description) about the event by the 25th of each month for the following month's digest to Liza Williams at For example, information about an event received before March 25 will be included in April's digest, which will be sent out in early April. We appreciate the information as far in advance as possible.