With Program Director Approval
Cinema Studies & Moving Image Arts

Course Credits: 3

With Program Director's Approval

Semester(s) Offered

Special Topics noted below

Catalog Description

Survey course tracing the history, aesthetics and contexts of the American avant-garde cinema in
light of contemporary art movements till today. Viewing key cultural works of film, video, and moving
image arts. Includes Dada and Surrealist precursors, the mythopoetics of Deren, Anger and
Brakhage, Abstraction and Animation, Mekas¿ lyrical diaries, Conner, collage and the Beats, Warhol
and Pop Art, Nam Jun Paik and the pioneering video artists , Kuchar and camp, Schneeman¿s
radical body politics and performance, AIDS activist media, and current works from the myriad
marginal voices that drive avant-garde art practices. Formerly FILM 4453.

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