5 steps for setting up your Handshake profile

If a recruiter wants to find a CU Boulder student, the first place they will look isHandshake. So, here’s how to brand yourself and control what information employersfind on this job search platform.
Step 1: Log into your account
If you are a current student, you already have a basic, active account. You can simply and fill out your profile. The Handshake account that you create is a great way to enhance your personal brand. It tells the story of your academic journey and the type of professional you want to become. By having an active and public account on Handshake, you can be viewed by more than 14,000 employers around the world who are looking for CU Boulder talent.
NOTE: Students must be enrolled in classes to log in to their Handshake account. Please wait about 24 hours after enrolling before logging in. If you arenot yet enrolled in classes,please do not attempt to create a Handshake account. If you have questions about your Handshake access, please contact our office atcareer@colorado.edu.
Step 2: Fill out your profile
If you have a resume, the first step is to upload your document. Handshake will automatically fill in your profile with details from your resume. You might want to clean it up and make sure your major, expected graduation date and GPA were added correctly. If you don’t have a resume, you’ll need to fill these details in manually.
Add a professional photo so an employer can put a face to the name. Your photo helps to personalize and humanize the brand you’ve created for yourself. It’s easy for them to make a connection with your profile when they can “see” who’s behind it.
Step 3: Add work experience, university clubs and course work
Employers often find students by searching for specific companies they’ve worked for. List out your work experience in reverse chronological order, showing your most recent work experience first. You’ll want to list on-campus jobs and volunteer experiences here as well.
Be sure to list any student clubs or organizations you are involved with. This not only shows involvement on campus and leadership skillsbut can also give employers a look into your unique interests outside of the classroom.
Step 4: List your skills
This might be the most important step. Skills are the primary field that employers use to search for job or internship candidates. By listing your skills, you are showcasing character traits and unique abilities that make you employable. You can list soft skills such as communication and teamworkor technical skills such as data analytics or project management.
Step 5: Make your profile public
It might go without saying, but if you want employers to find you, you need to be findable. This means you need to make your profile public. You are five times more likely to be found and messaged by employers if you do this step.