When it comes to finding jobs, teachers have choices and opportunities. A strong demand for educators continues across the nation, and school districts around the world are looking for good teachers. There is also a market for educators with aspirations for adventure – you can teach overseas or stay at home and teach from your couch.Ìý

There are also many reasons that prompt teachers to consider careers outside of traditional K-12 classroom teaching.

  • Higher education
  • Adult and continuing education
  • Private and charter schools
  • Cyber schools
  • Tutoring/learning centers

  • International experience
  • Alternative education
  • Community/nonprofit organizations
  • Government
  • Corporate training
  • Business and communications

This is just a sample of opportunities outside of traditional classroom teaching. Teaching skills are easily transferable to many different occupations. Apply your creative teaching skills as you explore occupations and potential employers to find a meaningful fit for your skills and interests.

The Department of Education in most states will provide a list of all public and charter schools in the state via their website. The also has information on public schools and school districts in the U.S. Being informed on trends in the education industry is also important as you begin interviewing.